Today’s Scripture: Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. Matthew 24:44 ESV
What will we do today, this hour to ready ourselves for the end? Death makes us reflective yet it should also give us a sense of urgency to prepare our readiness.
As Jesus warned the disciples in Matthew 24 we must make sure no one or no things lead us astray. The urgency and demands of the day often attempt to lead us astray don’t they? Yet, in the face of death all other things fall away.
All cares, all concerns and all demands diminish in urgency. Will we live today with death in mind? I pray we show love and compassion to others as if death is on the doorstep.
Jesus said that those who endure to the end will be saved. Let us endure in love and passion to assure that the talents He has given us are not buried nor lead us astray.
Are you ready to see your LORD face to face?
NOTE: For those of you who have been praying for Jimbo and my family I am thankful. Jimbo left this earth to see Jesus this morning and I have seen and tasted the fruits of his love. The love found in death is the love I pray we all live in today. My prayers are returned to you with great thanksgiving.
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus, Your Word who gave us sight into the end. LORD I pray that I live for You today. LORD forgive me for when I have been led astray. Help me LORD to endure to the end and to produce the fruits and love in the talents You have entrusted to me. Thank you. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Shelly says
When you read through the New Testament, it seems as though they were eagerly anticipating the return of Christ. Today, we don’t seem to be eagerly anticipating His return. They seemed to live their lives as if He was returning at any moment and we don’t seem to consider His return much at all. May we all live our lives today as if Christ were returning tomorrow. Be blessed today and bless someone else!
Tom Raines says
Amen Shelly, we have certainly been desensitized by time and distractions in this age. I join you in prayer that we live eagerly anticipating the return of Christ. His Spirit dwells in us right now and I pray we live as He is with us now and we will bless others with His love and blessings today! Blessings as you bless others.
theywhoseek says
Prayers for you and your family at this time of grief . . . praising God with you also in the joy of knowing Jimbo is with his Lord and Savior.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Deborah Ann! Your prayers are strengthening and appreciated. So thankful for our God and for His grace! Blessings and prayers.
Caddo says
I’m grateful Jimbo is released from earthly suffering, secure in the Savior’s arms–and I pray for Jesus’ abundant comfort for his family and friends as you all adjust to his absence. That’s the tough part–even we who know the Forever Blessing of Jesus, must contend with the human emotions of loss and grief’s deep sadness. As for me, I hunger and crave HIS return–there’s just nothing holding me here, nothing I desire anymore but to GO. God bless you BIG, brother Tom–can’t wait for that banquet where we’ll all sit together, joyous forever.
Tom Raines says
I sense your prayers sis and feel the strength of God’s arms. Our emotions do come in waves yet the waves of the Almighty bathe us anew. As the continual waves of the oceans that He created we are refreshed and lifted again and again. I feel complete joy that our eyes will meet in His kingdom and we will know each others as long BIG-time friends. I will know you even though I have never seen you I am sure. Our souls have already met:) That sure sounds mushy but you have touched my spirit with your kindness.
Debbie says
Thinking of you and Jimbo’s family and friends, and praying too, as His love comforts you. Your post has me thinking about a song that sings, ” I don’t want anything coming in between You and me.” I know that nothing separates us from His love, but I can let ‘stuff’ interfere with how I love Him each day. Thank you, Tom, for your words and prayer here today, keeping us focused on Him! God bless!
Tom Raines says
nothing, nothing, nothing Deb can separate us from His love. Stuff certainly distracts us but when our gaze returns to Him, He remains. So thankful and I thank you for your encouraging words. Blessings as you sing:)
Cindy says
Dear Tom…for all of you that most certainly miss Jimbo in the here and now, I just want to say I am so sorry, and you all remain in my thoughts, heart and prayers! Psalm 34:18 has been my ‘go to’ verse lately in my journey with my own parents and the LORD is true to His Word! God Bless, Cindy
Tom Raines says
Thank you Cindy, the LORD is close. Thank you for sharing this verse with us. He IS the ONE who saves and rescues us from our broken hearts and crushed spirits. I am praying now for you Cindy for you to hang onto this promise and to feel His closeness. LORD, help us to feel your closeness and be thankful for Your blessings in times that crush our spirits. Amen Blessings to you Cindy!