Today’s Scripture: For by that one offering he forever made perfect those who are being made holy. Hebrews 10:14 NLT
The sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ, that one offering, made me perfect. No amount of other sacrifices on my part can make me any holier.
I am offering my body as a sacrifice to God yet like the sacrifices of those of an era gone by they will only remind me of my sin. I have made the same sacrifices again and again and they have proven not to take away my sin. In my flesh I am imperfect yet in this one offering of Jesus’ body I am made perfect.
What will we do today to live in His perfection? I am humbled that I have been an enemy of Jesus for so long. I have fought against Him by offering my own sacrifices that have always failed.
I accept Your sacrifice Jesus and thank You for making me perfect.
Do you accept the offering of the body of Jesus Christ?
Today’s Prayer: LORD, thank You for offering the body of Jesus Christ for me. Forgive me for trusting in my own sacrifices. I am humbled LORD and confess I have been like an enemy. I believe and accept the offering of Jesus Christ and know I am only made perfect in Him. Help me to live in Your perfection today and to share Your promise. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Amen – great affirmation today, Tom.
Thank you Ben! Blessings in His perfection.
Perfect–no greater word, is there? Nothing I have do to myself to make me good enough. Thank you, Tom.
Thank you Julie! There is no perfection like God’s perfection! Blessings in His perfection.
Brother Tom,
Your words always seem to speak directly to me. Thank you !
Thank you brother Bobby for your confirmation! I am glad we were able to talk. You have been on my mind. Blessings in His perfection.
When we come to the end of ourselves, the futility of our own efforts at pleasing God, toward the goal of salvation–then we are free, then we can live in HIS REST and Everlasting Love and Salvation. God bless you BIG.
Amen Sis, we can offer nothing but ourselves to Him. He then gifts us our gifts that are perfect. May we give His perfection. We have nothing else to give. Blessings as you live in HIS rest, HIS love and HIS salvation…perfectly. P.s. I am checking with the church on the special mail and they are checking for me…I have been spending the weekends with God in the woods and have not been there in a while…I find God’s perfection in the quiet with Him for sure:)
Praying for your peace and rest, wherever you go to meet with Him. I’m sure the church will hold my mail for you.