Today’s Scripture: Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the custom of the Law required Luke 2:27 NIV
Right here, right now you and I are where God wants us. Like Simeon, I have no doubt that the Spirit has moved me here. Like Mary and Joseph I also know that trying to observe the customs of the law has also taken me where I am supposed to be.
Even in my running away, in my rebellion God had me run to just the right place. Vocationally, God still has provided the right place for the right moment.
Today, if He moves me I know I will be moving towards the right place. God will use His Spirit, His law, His servants and His supernatural power to move us where we are to be. Wherever we are on that path we are in the right place. I trust the Spirit will continually be moving. Moving us to go and pray with our Heavenly Father to seek His will, moving us to right relationships that serve His purposes, moving us to do the right things.
Why are you in this very place today?
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me and caring for me. Thank You for Your assurance and your provision. Thank You for having me here. Open my eyes to those things and people around me that You want me to share Your love with. Help me to do the right things and to devoutly follow You. Amen.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
byhisgrace211 says
Great post. God is so perfect and so is His timing. God Bless!
Tom Raines says
Thank you, Blessings to you too!
jelillie says
This is a deep post…very thought provoking that I am in the right place even if I am not wlaking in it perfectly. The sovereignty of God is an inscrutable thing! Thanks Tom! I have enjoyed reading your posts so much I have nominated you for the versatile blogger award. I hope you will accept!
Tom Raines says
Thank you jelillie for commenting and nominating me. I need to pause at some point to look at these award things. I apprcciate your heart and your presence! Blessings to you!
patsy costner says
I like your last statement. When we follow Christ….we will be in the right place. That is so reassuring to me. Have you read, I am a Follower: The Way, Truth, and Life of Following Jesus. I have the book, started it then lay it down to finish another book. Leonard Sweet is making a strong argument that it has never been about leading. It is about following. Gonna get that book and finish it. Thanks for the reminder.
Tom Raines says
Hello Patsy! Thanks for commenting and suggesting the book. I need to read more and this book sounds interesting…I will put it on my short list!! Blessings to you and yours!
Cindy says
Hi Tom–
I have been reading Affirmations of God daily…have so often wanted to reply, even if it was no more than to tell you, Blessed Christmas, Happy New Year, or Thank You for being so faithful to bring us the Good News of our Lord. MUCH has been happening in my life and sadly the time has gotten away from me. My hope is that you already know how thankful I am for your work and this blog (Glory to God), that you and yours did indeed have a blessed Christmas season and that this new year is already off to a great start! In addition to your ministry, I have been blessed by the ministry of Francis Chan as of late, and when I read your last couple of posts, I have been nudged to pass along one of his Youtube videos. Here is a short but powerful one:
God Bless you and yours Tom! Cindy
Tom Raines says
Thanks Cindy, I have missed you and prayed things were well with you. Your words are so encouraging and I am thankful for you. I too wish you a very blessed 2012 and hope your holidays were a blessing. Thanks for the clip I will certainly watch. What I have seen of Francis Chan I love as well! Worship well!
Robin says
“Right here Right now you and I are where God wants us” I read this 4 times. Snapped me to attention. Why do I forget this? I’m in constant need of the reminder that my Father is in fact in control. Wonderful affirmation my friend.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Robin. We do tend to forget don’t we. No matter where we are or have been…for His glory! Blessings my friend!!