Today’s Scripture: “Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him. Luke 8:39 NIV
Have you ever felt like Legion? You had many demons that forced you into your own personal wilderness? Here in Luke 8 Jesus removed all of Legion’s demons and used him to spread the good news.
Legion experienced the power of Jesus and wanted to go with Him. However Jesus had other plans for him. He wanted Legion to return home and tell how much God had done for him. Those who knew him best could hear and see what Jesus had done.
We are like Legion. God has done so much for us. We are to go, tell and show how much God has done for us. Our lives, our experiences will tell of what Jesus has done. Others will come to believe and know Jesus because we tell them how much He has done for us.
Can you tell how much God has done for you?
Today’s Prayer: LORD God, thank You for doing so much for me. I will proclaim how much you have done. Use my experiences to show others Your Kingdom and Your power. Remove all of my demons LORD and send me to tell others of how much you have done. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
To share what God has done for me requires me to be transparent…not the easiest thing. But oh so very necessary and today you reminded me of that. Have a great day Tom!
Thank you my dear Robin! Our transparency and telling of what God has done for us is our gift to the world. Others need to hear what God has done for us. It is all we have and He takes it and magnifies His glory and saves the souls once bound by demons. He frees us to free others. Blessings and transparency my friend!
I cannot spell it out enough as to how much God has done for me Tom. Even though life has been rocky from time to time, I know He has been there. Thanks for the good word.
Thank you Bill, too numerous and awesome to detail but plenty of great things we can share with others in similar rocky places. Blessings and thanksgiving!
I echo your prayer Tom, for it speaks my own heart. And here is a song I’d like to share. God bless,
Thank you Cindy. I too “wanna say thank you” to our God who has done so much for us! Blessings and thanksgiving!
This really blessed me Tom, as you remind us that it’s those that know us the best that will see how much He has done. Sometimes those are the hardest people to tell. God bless you as you share all He has done for you today!