Today’s Affirmation: When I do not feel God I hold fast to Him.
As the Holy Spirit led me to choose this affirmation today I reread the verse in which I derived this affirmation from Job 23:11(NKJ). Thinking oops, I must have written this down wrong as that is not what this verse says. Do you ever FEEL things just aren’t right? Can you always trust your feelings?
It is beggining to occur to me the difference between an “emotional feeling” and a “spiritual feeling”. As I reread the preceding verses in Job wondering how I ever came to this conclusion the day I harvested the affirmation it began to take shape. Well, Job was bitter in vs. 2; in vs. 3 he admits H didn’t know where to find God; vs 8 he looked forward and backwards and could not see God; and in vs. 9 when God is working on his left and right Job just could not see him.
He ain’t feeling it folks. By the the time he gets to verse 11 I am thinking this is pretty astounding that he boldly says “my foot has held fast to His steps: I have kept His way and not turned aside.” About this time I am thinking this is a trait God would want us to claim, to affirm to live this way. Amazingly going to verse 12 Job even says he still treasures the words of God’s mouth more than his necessary food. Wow deeper and more real “feeling” than hunger. Think about that for a second. Can you sit still and tell a difference right now between an emotional feeling like happiness or sadness, a physical feeling like hunger or thirst, how about that deep searching spiritual feeling?
Not feeling it? Some yes, some no as we all are at different places at different times. However, as Job shows us the way, hold fast my friend. Treasure Him, seek Him and rest in the power of Him and His way. When we are in the zone, so to speak, He feels all too real. But when we are not, like Job, we look forward and backward, left and right and nothing, nada, no thing.
Hold fast, just kneel down and focus on praising Him and forget your feelings and an amazing thing happens. You begin to recognize that God feeling that will guide you and hold you in times when your fleshly feelings abandon you.
1. Are you feeling God today?
2. Can you even remember a time when you did?
3. Can you kneel today and praise God for who He is?
Are you seeking Him and treasuring Him today?
Beautiful, Tom.
Thank you Julie, I am so thankful for you taking the time to read and respond. Have a great day!
Good thoughts Tom. Feelings are too fickle to rely on. We need to remind a whole bunch of people of this truth. Praying you will have a fantastic worship experience this weekend.
Thanks Bill, so appreciate you keeping in touch. Praying your message is well received tomorrow! Taboo or not!
Hi tomraines,
Sometimes for me, I get so caught up in the Word and my reading that I forget or neglect to spend time just worshiping and praising him.
Thank you for reminding me and I did take a moment to thank and praise God when I read your blog and your questions. I believe it’s that intimate realationship that will hold us safely in times of storm and great turmoil.
We have to know Jesus, but the Bible says in Luke that he also has to know us. He wants to hear our voices giving thanks and praise because he is worthy of everything we can possibly do to exalt him.
God Bless you,
Amen Linda! Thanks for your insight. Have a great day!