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Today’s Affirmation: I have been given an entrance into the everlasting kingdom.
What a gift! Peter reminds us in 2 Peter 1:11 that this gift of the entrance into the kingdom will be abundantly given to us. Not just squeaking into the kingdom but a “very great welcome” (New Century Version).
It is amazing to me the magnitude of the grace and peace given to us by our knowledge in God and Jesus our Lord. All God asks of us is His our belief and faith in Him. Is that too much to ask? Let’s see, life more abundant while we are here on earth and an abundant entrance into an everlasting kingdom for all of eternity. Why would we turn our backs on such an invitation?
In verse three of 2 Peter he says that the Christ’s divine power has granted to us everything we need pertaining to life and to godliness. God will even allow me to partake in His divine nature and this will help me escape the corruptions of my lusts. O God how I need your divine power and seek your nature. You are offering to give this to me just for my belief as fragile as it is at times?
What an overwhelming gift! What a chain of events from our little bit of faith. Let’s see what Peter says here:
Diligent faith leads to moral excellence which leads to knowledge to self control to perseverance to godliness to brotherly kindness to love. Are you overwhelmed of all of these gifts from just our belief that Jesus Christ is the Lord?
My heart breaks today for those who refuse this gift, 2 Peter 1:9 says that those lacking these qualities are either blind or short sighted and have forgotten how Jesus forgave us for our sins. May we be diligent in practicing these things as encouraged in verse 10. May we encourage each other to reflect these things so that others will see this love. If we encourage each other to show this love then more will have their eyes opened.
- Do we reflect this love?
- What does it take to receive God’s divine nature?
- In what ways can we encourage each other to be diligent in practicing the characteristics of God?
- Can you ask for God to reveal His divine nature to you today to escape your lusts?
Thank you for your gift Father God. Thank you for Your Son Jesus. Please use me as a light shining in a dark world to have your love arise in our hearts. May eyes be opened to Your love through me today.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations4Life
Constantly confronted with “if I have been given such a fantastic gift how can I keep it to myself?” Haunting question. thanks tom.
The thing I struggle with is being a reflection of His love even when I don’t “feel” like it…but there’s a good chance that someone is watching and they may need to see Jesus in me. Wonderful reminder Tom…
So true Bill and Robin. If I watched me would I want what I have? To I act as if I have received the most incredible gift in the world or is my life just like everyone elses with couple of used bibles sitting around. Am I a new creature? Do I reflect His love? May I be reminded constantly of this gift and may it bring a smile to my face and a different perspective to those I come in contact with!
I am not a scholar or much of a debater. My personal belief is that Jesus died to acquit ALL mankind; however each man has the choice to accept this gift by believing that He did die for their sins. I think the acceptance of who Jesus is is more important than the repentance. Thanks for checking in. What do you think?