Today’s Scripture: A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah. O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. Psalm 63:1 ESV
God’s glory is far better than I could have imagined when I began this affirmation journey. Five years, over thirteen thousand affirmations and over 600 blogs and I have yet to touch the heart of David here in Psalm 63:1. I pray to know the earnestness of seeking and the depth of thirsts to fully live for God.
How can we put our praise and joy in God into mere words? O God, You are my God and I have seen Your power and Your glory and I lift my praises and my hands to You. Your love God is better than life.
Teach me LORD in the silence, in my seeking and in my thirst for You. I will praise You as long as I live. God, I pour out my heart before you. Please refill my heart with You. You are my God!
How thirsty are you?
Today’s Prayer: O God, You are my God! Early will I seek You. With all that I have and all that I long for I search for You. Teach me LORD how to completely pour out my heart and to thirst for you in ways only You understand. Draw my heart to Yourself LORD and teach me Your ways. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Cindy says
Hey Tom…here is a song by Rich Mullins (went on to be with the LORD years ago) a man, like David, after God’s heart. I love this psalm and this song…and I thank you for reminding me of it and that it’s been dropped in my spirit this morning. Blessings on you and yours, Tom!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Cindy, you always bless me with the songs and I am thankful! I too love this psalm and was overwhelmed when I came to it in this affirmation journey. I thought it was unthinkable that I could have been doing this for so long and had captured so many of God’s affirmations for us that I had yet to come here. He fills my heart with awe and joy to know His Word is endless and we can expect abundant blessings from His Word and His love. Blessings as you seek Him and I am thankful He reminded us both of this call from David’s heart!
Heidi Viars says
about a year ago, I started walking … I try to be up early to spend time with God in prayer … Today, I hunger for that time with Him, that hour in seclusion and silence … seeking His plan for my day to day … I had to let go of several things to accomplish this, but I have been more productive and intentional than ever before … knowing better what He is asking of me… I HUNGER for that time and thirst to be with HIM every day … thanks for that today!!
Tom Raines says
Interesting Heidi, I have a local hiking trail I love to jog on. I LOVE spending that solitude time with God in His beautiful creation. Yesterday I had read Psalm 62 where David poured His heart out and was silent before God. Of course I read 63:1 and lived there for a while trying to fully understand the seeking and the thirst/hunger. During my run I continually asked God to teach me how to pour my heart out and teach me to thirst/hunger. I sooo can understand your hungering for that time too. I may just go again this evening:) Thank you for sharing! Blessing and hunger in you walks with Him!!
Heidi Viars says
He is the “Bread of Life” and “Living Water” … and satisfies both our deepest hunger and thirst! Hope you have another soul-filing jog with Him 🙂 Blessings to you!