Today’s Scripture: But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 ESV
Sometimes we hijack scriptures don’t we? Hijack and make them fit our desires. Please hear me clearly that I do believe that all things are possible with God.
This morning in reviewing Matthew 19 I realized I have been guilty of hijacking this scripture. I do not believe we can keep God’s possibilities in context but the context of this scripture does make me consider Jesus’ words today.
Jesus quoted this much used verse in response to the disciples’ question of who can be saved if the rich will find it as hard as a camel going through the eye of a needle to enter the Kingdom of God.
Do we more often claim these words “all things are possible with God” when we want our way or His way?
I must be careful to call on God’s possibilities not in hopes of being a rich young ruler but to enter His Kingdom over my riches and desires. I know this in only possible with God.
Today’s Scripture: Father God, thank You for the teachings of Jesus. Thank You for making all things possible. I desire You and Your Kingdom over all things and I need You to make this possible. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
cycleguy says
It is when I try to live for Him in my own strength that I find myself falling flat. John 15:5 still stands.
Tom Raines says
Amen Bill! We are nothing without him… and fruitful with him. When I seek another vine I produce little.
Kimberly says
This is similar to what I was thinking as I weeded my garden this morning. When Jesus said “Your sins are forgiven” to the lame man to be healed… which was the bigger blessing? Was it that he was physically healed or that he was given Eternal life?
Mary Magdalene knew her sins were many and anointed Jesus’ feet w/costly perfume… those who have been forgiven of much, show more gratefulness & love! She recognized the blessings he could give her were far better than anything she could achieve on her own.
We cannot be saved by how we live, but with the Spirit of God it is Possible to receive eternal life!
Jesus replied, “I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. John 3:5-6
Tom Raines says
Just beautiful Kimberly. This morningin The Spirit of God reminded me that we can also experience an amazingly joyful spirit now. I want to live where the Spirit and God are in communion regarding me. It is there I find joy and purpose. Like your garden I pray we grow a bountiful harvest! Blessings and Spirit!
jelillie says
Loved this Tom! Sometimes we want a God of our own making and so we can take Scripture out of context and make it say what we would like to hear. Like you I believe all things are possible with God but not for the sake of my selfish desires. Rather it is for the sake of the furhterance of His kingdom and my sanctification!
Tom Raines says
Yes it is. The efforts and things of man will gain us more man stuff, the efforts and things of God will gain more God stuff…not really much a choice is it? However, we take the known over the unknown. Insanity…thanks!