Today’s Scripture: For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV
No matter where we are at this time may we remember that it is under heaven; under God’s domain. Some of us are in dark places. Some of us are basking in a glorious light yet wherever we are we are under God’s care.
Whether we seek God with all of our hearts or have hardened hearts towards Him, God is still at work. Solomon, in all of his worldly wealth, wisdom and experience is reminding us of God’s beauty.
Although where we are may not make us feel beautiful God’s Word reminds us here in Ecclesiastes 3:11 that EVERYTHING will be made beautiful in it’s time. Just as we personally can not affect time we can not affect God’s beauty. It is God who makes all things beautiful.
Can you trust God with this time?
This time is our lot and we can rejoice in it, regardless of what time it is.
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for this time. I rejoice in You and Your eternity and not in this moment in time. Thank You LORD for planting eternity into our hearts. It is time to praise You and trust in You and Your eternity. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Katy says
Thank you, Tom, for this reminder. I have so much trust in God and His plan, but am by nature, an impatient sheep. Lately I am constantly reminding myself that there is a time for every matter under heaven and that God’s time rarely coincides with my time line. Sometimes, though, I am just tired or waiting. That is when I have to remember that the biggest blessings in my life have happened long after I thought I was ready for them.
I guess I just talked myself through todays “poor me” moment – thanks, friend.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Katy! Sorry for the delay and I am not sure why this when into a pending comment file. I have been slammed at work and haven’t been able to get in here last day or so. We are impatient creatures aren’t we??!! Great point that our hindsight can also help to strengthen our faiths as we look back at what God’s perfect timing in other times in our lives. Thank you for talking it through with me…it helps all of us. Blessings and patience:)
katy says
Ha, my wanting to know what happened to my comment just reiterates how awful impatient I am. I wonder if it was b/c I used my home email instead of the work email I get the daily affirmations sent.
Thanks for your patience with me!
Tom Raines says
HAHA, God does have a sense of humor doesn’t He?! That is funny. I bet you are right…somehow WordPress recognized something new. Thanks for your long time encouragement and patience with me:) Blessings and patience:)
gailya raines says
This is so meaningful. Contains a much-needed message.
Tom Raines says
Thanks mom! I am amazed you found your way in here…I appreciate your confirmation and support. I love you!
bennetta faire says
I’m in Eccl for part of my daily reading too. It’s good to look for the beauty in every season–if we can’t see it now, we can hope with confident expectation that It Will Be. God bless you, Tom!
Tom Raines says
Thanks sis, “with confident expectation that it WILL BE” just sent a shiver up my spine!! Blessings and expectation!
bennetta faire says
I’m so glad, Tom–nice that we can get all “tingly” about our Jesus!
Tom Raines says
Amen Sis! The joy of the Spirit of the Almighty God coursing through every ounce of us! Blessings!
Sheryl mchugh says
Love this word, and you, my brother.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Sheryl, I pray we are faithful in this time to trust Him. I am praying the visions He has given us will be realized in His perfect timing.
joseph elon lillie says
Thanks Tom. I needed to hear this. I have been in a very busy time and that has been a little frustrating. There seems to be more to do than there is time to do it but as you said this time is as much a part of God’s beautifying process as the times when I get to lounge by the River of Life. Both times have there purpose and God alone is in control of when they happen.
Tom Raines says
I am with you Joseph! The Fall is always very busy in my current vocation and time is very limited. Thankful God is here too and we can stop to drink in His river even if only for a brief moment. Thanks for taking time out of your busy day to stop by here. Blessings and His time.
joseph elon lillie says
Even a drop of that river can refresh the weariest soul!
Tom Raines says
Amen! My we go to Him with the greatest of thirsts. May we come to know that thirst. Blessings Joseph and thank you!
katy says
Wrote a comment here on Tuesday, and I don’t see it… katy
Tom Raines says
Katy, that was weird that it went into pending. Usually returning commentors don’t go there for approval. Sorry about that. I was blessed by your comments and thankful you were able share. Blessings my friend!