Today’s Scripture: Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:29 ESV
I learn from Jesus just as Matthew 11:29 promises and in the learning there is rest for my soul. As I walked to my prayer closet this morning I was thinking about how Jesus walked to meet with the Father on those pre-dawn walks to get alone and pray.
How did He prepare His heart to meet with the Father, the Lord of Heaven and Earth? How do I prepare my heart? As I knelt before the Father this morning I raised my hands in thanksgiving. I felt the need to make sure the LORD knew I cried thank You to Him. Let it never be said Father that I never turned to You and thanked you.
Here is Jesus in Matthew 11:25 saying “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth”. Yes, as I travel my roads Jesus teaches me. In Him I find rest for my soul.
What have you learned from Jesus today?
Today’s Prayer: Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank You for giving me Jesus to learn from. Thank You for Your Word. You fill me with thanksgiving LORD and may my lips ever praise You. I pray Your people turn to you in prayer seeking forgiveness and teaching. Your student is ready. Thank You for rest for my soul. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Thank you, Tom, for keeping us going to Jesus, to learn and be ever thankful. I learned today that rest means something different to Him than if first did to me. It’s more about His peace for me, than physical rest. God bless you as you learn from Him each day!
And God bless you as you learn and rest in Him. His peace His rest is so refreshing and restful for our souls! Blessings to you my friend!
I have been reminded today that I should always come to Jesus with an expectant heart! He has a great and mighty plan for me that is constantly moving forward!
Amen jelillie and we can rest in that! I love “an expectant heart” for Him! He if faithful to exceed our expectations!