Today’s Scripture: Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well. Ecclesiastes 11:6 NIV
You are holding the seeds God intends for you to sow; what are you going to do with them? Here in Ecclesiastes 11:6 we are instructed to cast them out and trust God for the results.
Verse four speaks loudly to me and tells me to stop trying to look for the perfect time to sow. How many times have I not cast any seeds because I was looking for the right time or could not see the results that would happen?
Verse 5 reminds me I do not understand the actions of God in the process. Just as in the forming of the baby in the womb I have to trust God for the birth of the seeds I plant.
We do not know which of our seeds will succeed so let’s just cast them each morning and work all day knowing God will grow what He desires.
What seeds do you have to cast?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for the seeds You have given me. Thank You for Your Word that encourages me to sow what I have. I trust You and Your ways to grow these seeds as You intend. Grant me the energy and faithfulness to continue to sow and work diligently. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Caddo Veil says
This is exciting to me–but then, I seem to be living the most exciting time of my life now: my spirit and heart are so AWAKE to the Lord; All that He has to give, All that He plans for me to participate in–to further His Kingdom. I never knew where I was going “before”–but now I know that I have a Destiny with Him. I hope I’m sowing “packets of seeds” everyday! God bless you abundantly, brother Tom–love, sis Caddo
Tom Raines says
Thanks sis! Yes the LORD can fill us with such life and awaken the spirit within us with Divine renewed passions. I am thankful for your awakened passions and the realization of the multitude of seeds we have to spread for His Kingdom! May He use us in casting seeds, cultivating the soil of the paths we travel and impact. LORD we trust You with the seeds You have so generously blessed us with. Awake and sowing BIG with ALL we have in Him. Blessings and love my sis:) BIG!
Debbie says
I just love the encouragement in this one, Tom. I can feel like I have nothing to share some days, nothing relevant that will really help anyone. But, it’s not up to me to decide that, is it? 🙂 Sow anyway! God bless you and this wonderful blog of affirmations!
Tom Raines says
THanks Deb! GREAT point that we may not see it nor feel it but what we have, with Him, is enough! Our minds and our world try to define what we are doing but amazingly with God what we do have seems to flow with such ease it certainly can not be enough. Please never waver as your simple presence and encouragement to so many is a blessing and a seed from God Himself. I am thankful for the encouragement you give to this little space to spur me on to continue to spread the seeds I have been given. May seem like nothing because it is “natural” to you but it is everything to a thirsty heart:)
Keep sowing sister:)
joseph elon lillie says
What do I have to sow? This is a great question. Realizing that God is responsible for the results takes the fear out of casting the seed. Thanks Tom.
Tom Raines says
Amen Joseph, I find peace in that as well. His Kingdom here now is like we are told in Mark, the kingdom is like a man who sows seeds and he goes back and goes to sleep and things happen he can not comprehend…God does things with the seeds we sow that we can not begin to comprehend. Blessings!