Today’s Scripture: You thrill me, LORD, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done. Psalm 92:4 NLT
Can you sing? Do we need to carry a tune or just carry God?
Like in all things when we compare ourselves to other humans we rob ourselves of joy. True joy, thrilling joy is found in what the LORD has done; not in the performances of us or others. Psalm 93 encourages us to remember that God is forever and that what appears to be flourishing by earthly standards is doomed to failure. Focus on what He has done.
The LORD and His works are forever. If we declare what He has done night and day then we will know His joy and sing a beautiful song, forever.
Our songs are beautiful not for the sound but by our declaration that the LORD’S steadfast love and faithfulness are forever, He alone is upright and He is our rock.
It is here where we find gladness and joy as well as our song.
Today’s Prayer: LORD, I declare Your steadfast love in the morning and I declare Your faithfulness at night. It is Your love and Your faithfulness that bring me joy. Forgive me when I seek joy in the performances of man. You are forever and You are my rock. I sing for You. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Enjoyed this one very much – Thanks Tom!
Thank you Sheryl!! I look forward to spending next week with you guys:)!! Blessings as you sing!
Today I was doing “Holy Spirit humming”–it’s a worshipful gift the Lord laid on me just this year, and way cool (as I’m not the best singer)! God bless you and your family, BIG–love, sis Caddo
I love it sis!! Tell me more about the Holy Spirit humming! I am sure God would appreciate it:) Just kidding about that as I know He loves the joyful sounds we make for Him…however they are presented. Blessing and humming!