Today’s Scripture: Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
Many people debate the end of times. Even here over two thousand years ago Jesus was being asked by the disciples what would be the signs of His return. I find myself not one of those concerned about the end of the age but of today.
Certainly when you read the “signs” in Matthew 24 we see evidence of all things mentioned. It stood out to me in verse 12 that Jesus said the love of many will grow cold. Seeking affirmation I proclaimed that my love was getting warmer. I can say my love is growing stronger because of this gospel.
This brings Christ’s love alive in me today. If even the Christ did not know the day and hour why should I concern myself with that? What I have is this hour and what I proclaim is the love that Christ came to teach us and proclaim.
If this is your last hour, what will you proclaim?
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for the love of Jesus Christ. LORD, help me to sense and feel the love of Your Holy Spirit. Help me now LORD to proclaim the gospel of Your love to this world where love is growing cold. I do see how we are becoming hated yet know Your love overcomes the world. Help us to proclaim Your love. Amen
Tom Raines
Affirmations of God
Bobby Tyler says
Amen brother, Amenl
Tom Raines says
Thank you my brother Bobby. I hope you had a great Easter! Blessings my brother!