Today’s Scripture: For he was crucified in weakness, but lives by the power of God. For we also are weak in him, but in dealing with you we will live with him by the power of God. 2 Corinthians 13:4 ESV
Do we live as if God’s power is with us? Our God is faithful and I love it when He stands at the intersection of life and His Promises.
He is always standing there and yet often we do not see or recognize His power. We claim His power yet live as if the power found in the flesh or the world is somehow more real. I am preaching to myself here (and maybe you).
Paul continues to challenge us in 2 Corinthians 13:5. Do we realize Jesus Christ is in us? Test yourself; do you live in the power of Jesus? Are we also crucified in our weaknesses? I am glad I am weak because it is at this intersection of weakness and power that I find the power of God and Jesus in me.
Are you living in God’s power?
Today’s Prayer: God, thank You for Your power and your Son. I know You are with me. Help me to live in Your power. Help me to act boldly and courageously trusting in Your power. Forgive me for seeking the false promises of power this world has to offer. My life is in Your power and help me to faithfully live with Jesus. Thank You Jesus for living in me. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
joseph elon lillie says
A great word Tom. So much of what we are called to do involves us acknowledging that there is nothing intrinsic in us to accomplish that which we are called to. IN that acknowledgement is the very big BUT GOD that transforms everything around us into the manifestation of miracle. That is where I want to live… in the miracle!
Tom Raines says
Amen Joseph, that is where I want to live too. To go and follow Jesus and live in the power and provision of God. Totally reliant on Him and His calling. Welcoming our powerlessness so that we show this all surpassing power is Him and not us. Blessings in the miracle my brother!
joseph elon lillie says
Thank you!
Julie Garmon says
Amen! Just gotta give an amen to this!. I don’t see how you pull out a tiny but tremendous truth in such few words of Scripture. Such a gift.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Julie for calling what God has given me a gift. This is how the body of Christ spurs each other on to do great things. When God gives us something it becomes who we are and we, in the flesh, can think because it comes super-“naturally” that it may not be a special “gift”. I pray we use the gifts He has given us to bring Him glory. I thank You for your gift of encouragement and your heart of a teacher. Blessings as you live and share your gifts in His power. Thank you for sharing your gifts with me.
roberttyler says
Thanks Tom, for another great affirmation.
Love Always, Brother Bobby
Tom Raines says
My brother, we have to get together again. I have been thinking about you the past few days and bam, here you are. Sorry I didn’t respond to the prompting of the Spirit but I will call you in @ hour when I am on the road.