Today’s Scripture: if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good. 1 Peter 2:3 ESV
Have you tasted the spiritual milk that promises our growth in 1 Peter 2:2? I have tasted it and it is good. When something tastes good do you want more?
Day after day that I seek after His spiritual milk, God continues to bless me and satisfy me. His word here says we will grow up in salvation. He has proven Himself to me that He will provide the nourishment I need when I need it. If we will go to Jesus and seek His Spirit we will be filled with His goodness.
When He calls us out of our darkness into His wonderful light we are able to share with others His goodness so they too will know His glory. Only through God’s goodness can we do good and grow spiritually.
In His goodness we learn to use the freedoms we have for Him.
Have you tasted the goodness of God?
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your goodness and for the nourishment of Your Spirit. Thank You for providing me with the spiritual milk so that I may grow in You and also share with others so they too may see Your good deeds and glorify You. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Kevin Troupe says
I have tasted and now crave, each new day…Thanks, Tom, for your encouraging words each day.
Tom Raines says
Kevin, you are an incredible man of God and warm my heart by dropping by. I think of you and your family often. You show a faith that can ONLY come from God. I treasure your presence here and continually pray for you all! Friends if you do not know Kevin please go to his page you will see a man who has tasted the goodness of God and teaches us goodness. Read up on his life with Matthew, Isaac and his incredible family. Kevin thank you for sharing!
cycleguy says
I keep going back to that Scripture that says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” i want to get to the point where I can’t get enough to be satisfied.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Bill! May we feast in Him, continually. We just can not get enough of His goodness! Blessings and tasting!
Desiray says
Amen….love this message…God is good and the more a person has tasted His goodness you want more and more…
Tom Raines says
Thank you Desiray. He is soooo good to us, isn’t he?! He continues to overwhelm me with His goodness and His provision! Blessings today as you taste Him!
Desiray says
yes Tom God is sooooooo good, you know when I pray I always tell Him if I had a thousand tongues I could never praise Him enough….that is why I want those who don’t know Him to come to know who He is..
jelillie says
Have you tasted the spiritual milk that promises our growth in 1 Peter 2:2? Yes I have Tom and it is good indeed. I think many Christians forget that the Lord promises growth if we just stay connected to Him. It’s not a maybe thing. Growth and victory are assured if we just remain in His presence.
Tom Raines says
Amen jelillie! You are right, these verses do say we will grow up in the Spirit and many never come to know the great goodness of God because they can not take the time away from those things that rust and fly away. I myself spent most of my life there and it is my prayer that more and more will consistently drink of His Spiritual milk and taste His goodness. Blessings!
patsy costner says
God is good and is the only thing that truly satisfies. Thanks for reminding us all where our strength comes from.
Tom Raines says
Hello Patsy great to hear from you and I appreciate your presence. He is our source of goodness for sure! Blessings!
Debbie says
I love the promise of growth if we just come and taste of Him. Thank you Tom! I’m thinking of the commercials, got milk? now! God bless you!
Tom Raines says
Ha! May we get a spiritual milk mustache today Miss Deb!! God’s promises and ways are awesome!