Today’s Scriptures: He has shown his people the power of his works, in giving them the inheritance of the nations. Psalm 111:6 ESV
Have you seen the power of God’s works?
I have seen and experienced God’s works. Reading Psalm 111 today I see the hope in Him and the futility in man. Until we have seen it we can not fathom it. Once we have seen it and share it with others our hearts break that they have not seen it.
For me, it didn’t happen until I studied God’s works. It is here that I have seen Him, heard Him and experienced Him. Psalm 111:2 states “Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them.” (ESV)
The LORD’S works are great; do we delight and study them? If we delight in the LORD and study Him we do see His power. Full of splendor and majesty is His work.
Do you find power, splendor and majesty in what you are studying now?
Today’s Prayer: I praise You LORD! Thank You for causing me to see You and to remember Your works. I give thanks to You with my whole heart. Thank You for causing me to see Your power, splendor and majesty. LORD help me to help those who have not seen Your power. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
patsy costner says
Tom, there was a time when I did not find joy, power, or strength in God. I actually had no relationship with God at all except that His son died for me. I was trying to live the Christian life but was not very successful when it came to the things in life that tempted me most. I found no real joy in reading God’s word, but did it because I was suppose to. Yes, I saw God’s splendor, his power, and majesty in His creation and in His miracles of healing people. I believed in his power to “save” me from Hell. My relationship with Jesus was a mind thing more than a heart thing. I am saddened that I even called myself, Christian.
Then one day I realized there must be more. If God could create me as well as this beautiful world we live in, if he could cause the lame to walk again, the blind to see, and dead to live again, if he could save me from the gates of Hell, then I wanted to experience His majesty, power, and strength in my life each day, empowering me to live the life he had called me to live. I prayed he would create in me a hunger and thirst for His presence and His Word. I did not let up, and I have to pray daily for strength to denounce Satan’s temptations but each day gets easier. I began to study His Word. His truth is what sets the captive free. As I began to trust Him and His Word, to turn loose and allow Him to work in me, He began to transform me. I am not perfect yet, I still allow my insecurities to get the best of me, my jealously to pop up, I have even lost some friendships, by using the wrong words at the wrong time, speaking out without carefully choosing the wrong words, but I continue to work at “righting my wrongs.” But most of all… I praise God every day that I am not the woman I used to be.
I know God’s splendor is not based on me. He is Majesty and Splendor whether I acknowledge Him or not. However, since I made Jesus Lord of my life I have seen his power, splendor, and majesty at work inside me, changing who I am. Now I am able to sing with Chris Tomlin, How Great is Our God, not from my head knowledge but from my heart. I love you brother Tom, and I love you Jesus for sharing God with me.
Tom Raines says
YES Patsy! You have described my life as well! For most of my years, I had a mind thing going on and no relationship. For a while I practically left Him out of my life from an attention perspective. I too am embarrassed I called myself Christian as mine was all an act for others. I wanted to think I was a Christian and I knew how to walk the walk and talk the talk. Unfortunately, my quiet times were times of homework so I could show how much I knew and mostly for appearance only.
I am thankful now that I reached a point in my life where I needed to, had to, know Him. My pretenses had failed me and I didn’t know God at all outside of occasional prayers to Him. Thankfully, I learned to praise Him for who He was. As you stated Patsy, “He is Majesty and Splendor whether I acknowledge Him or not.” When I praised His splendor and cried out to know Him and hear Him He was faithful to reveal Himself. I am often overwhelmed by His glory and now go to Him with all of me. His Spirit is amazing and living in His Spirit continues to draw us in. His majesty and splendor. Like you, my purpose, my hope is to save others from the “near life experience” I was living. Looking like a believer but not experiencing the fullness of His majesty and splendor. I too must seek Him daily and I prove myself unworthy yet His grace, His worthiness is sufficient for me and oh so wonderful. How great is our God indeed from the depths of our hearts. My love to you and yours as well and I join you in giving all glory to our God who loves us and reveals Himself to us. I am so thankful for you Patsy. Blessings in His majesty!
bennetta faire says
As usual, I’m with you, brother Tom! This year, especially, the Old Testament has come alive for me–it’s like watching a movie, since I got the Chronological Bible!! This adds so much to my rereading of the New Testament in my One Year Bible. And Boom! God is moving in my life, showing up with powerful stuff, pouring Himself out on me–I just received my prayer language, so I’m flying! God bless you and your family–love, sis Cj
Tom Raines says
Thank you sis! I too enjoy the perspective of the Chronological Bible! Isn’t it amazing how God shows us His majesty and power if we show up? When we show up wanting to study Him and praise Him, He reveals more than we can even dare to think or ask. We no longer study for the sake of study but go to Him knowing and expecting to experience His majesty, splendor and power. Our God is GREAT and really really BIG. God’s power and love to you my sis!
joseph elon lillie says
God’s Word gives us the context and helps us to see the movement of God all around us.
Tom Raines says
Amen Joseph, thank you!