Today’s Scripture: And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice–the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Romans 12:1 NLT
We rally for each other, don’t we? When we see someone say “I give up” we automatically say you can’t give up, there is always hope! Where do we find this hope?
We all have an experience where we just wanted to give up. Most of us have also found hope. Just as Paul in this letter to the Romans I am pleading with you and urging you to give up! Give up your understanding, your strength, and your body to God.
Why? Because I have experienced the words in the previous verses of Romans 11; the depth of God’s riches are beyond our understanding but NOT beyond our reach. If we will only GIVE UP and trust in His mercy, knowledge and outcomes. Just as in recovery, step one is to admit our powerlessness, to give up ourselves and it is there we find Him and truly worship Him.
I urge you to give up; will you?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, I praise Your name and thank You for Your mercy and all You have done for me. I offer my body, my understanding, my hope to You. I trust in Your wisdom and love for me. I offer You my praise and lift my voice for You. Help me to live in Your mercy and urge others to live there with You. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
This post title caught my attention immediately. So reminds me of my word last year…Surrender. For me it’s so daily. No other way. Thanks, Tom. Wonderful reminder that I can’t do this on my own.
Thank you Julie. It is built within us to see what we can do to help those who want to give up, isn’t it?! We can bless others by sharing the God that met us when we surrendered. I can sense why Paul was pleading and urging others to just give up! What we find at that place is God Himself. Why do we hold on for so long….and again today. Blessings and surrender.
an incredibly timely reminder for me today!!! thank you for sharing
Praise the LORD Heidi, so thankful for His perfect timing. We can give up and trust His power, His love and His timing. All glory and power is His. Blessings.
Tom, thank you so needed to hear this today! I will join you in your prayer today.
So thankful for His word and your confirmation Debby! I love praying with you and giving ourselves up for Him. Blessings and prayers.
I love this kind of giving up and giving in to Him! Thank you, Tom, and God bless you! Praying with you, too!
Thank you Deb! Our flesh resists giving up yet in the giving up we find Him. I am so thankful to pray with you my sister! Blessings and receiving.