What do we have to be thankful for? Let us count the ways. In the Celebrate Recovery Lesson 22 on Gratitude John Baker recommends we create a Gratitude List.
First of all, what are we thankful to God for? Can we offer prayers of gratitude to the God who created us? This CR lesson on gratitude took me to Psalm 100. There are only five verses to Psalm 100 and it is a psalm of thanksgiving. This affirmation was pulled from Psalm 100:4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. (NIV)
Short and sweet. We all should have a gratitude list we need to remind ourselves of shouldn’t we? At times we do not feel it and we need to be reminded to praise. No matter how we feel we can praise God. I have found many mornings that my feelings can not create praise but in praising God He changes my feelings. Regardless of how we feel, we can give thanks to the LORD and praise His name.
This lesson is regarding Step 11 in the 12 step program of CR: “We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.” Worshipping the LORD with gladness certainly helps improve our “conscious contact” with God.
Have you ever heard God speak? It has been my experience that if you go to the Lord with a heart of praise and thanksgiving you will indeed improve your conscious contact with Him and you will hear Him. You will know Him. You will know as it says in Psalm 100: 3 Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. (NIV)
He made us and we are His. That is definitely going on my gratitude list. How about your list? If you do not have one can you pause a moment to make a list of some things you are grateful for?
Thank you God for making me, I am Yours.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
I used to do this all the time but haven’t lately. Thanks for the reminder to make a list of gratitude. BTW: I am thankful for your blog. May not comment every day due to the work load and/or volume of blogs I read but I am blessed when i come.
Thank you Bill. You were one of my very first visitors and I am soooo thankful Robin introduced us. Due to heavy work load and travel I have struggled to visit as often as well. You are an inspiration to me when I read your blog and when you come visit. I always respect your perspective. Hey I am in Illinois today…bout as close as I get to Indiana…have a grateful day!
I am specifically thankful for God’s Will being made known this morning in America. With yesterday being Election Day 2010, many Americans went out and voiced their opinions and threw their votes into what they believed.
In The BIG Picture, I firmly believe that God indeed ordains ALL earthly authority above us this side of Heaven. Having said this, I now look at today’s election results with the eyes of a son who is being shown the Will of his Father. No one won yesterday that God did not want to win. Period.
Sure, I did not see the results I wanted, BUT…., everything is going according to what God wants. For this I am thankful. His will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven, indeed. (Even when I do not understand it!)
Kind of a lame comment, but I am thankful nonetheless for His Will in regards to our government.
Donald in Bethel, CT
Not lame at all brother! I am thankful that He is in control. I remember reading your commentary on authority and our responsibility to it. I agree that we are to submit to authority and trust God’s plan! May we follow God’s word and be thankful whether it goes our way or not. Have a thankful evening!
Yes! It’s about focus isn’t it? I go to God w/ my burdens, and that’s okay, but if I stop there I get up and feel worse. I have to deliberately turn my focus to all the bounty and blessings God has given me. I’m going to do that right now…I’m turning my focus on gratitude.
Delightful …
Yes, Robin we have soooo much to be thankful for. Thank you, thank you, thank you God. And thank you for my dear friend Robin.