Today’s Scripture: Jesus replied, “The things that are impossible for people are possible for God.” Luke 18:27 ISV
Jesus told us that what is impossible for us is possible for God. Does that mean we should wait until something is impossible before turning to Him?
In these same verses Jesus encourages us to leave all things to follow Him. He promises that if we leave all things for the kingdom of God we will receive so much more in our lives and in eternity.
Do we leave all for Him? Do we give all to Him? Just as Luke 18 began with the story of the widow who continually went to the judge, we can continually go to God and cry out to Him day and night.
I give all that I have to follow Jesus; the possible and the impossible. Do you go to God continually for all things?
Today’s Prayer: Abba, Father I come to You as Jesus did. LORD, I ask You to lead me in all things. LORD, forgive me when I fail to seek You in those things that are possible for me. I give You all I have; all of my questions, all of my riches and all of my hope. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Awesome inspiration! Love you
Sheryl McHugh
Design Type
O: 770.338.8801
C: 770.355.0925
Thank you Sheryl! I love you too!
Hi Tom! More and more I am Declaring Who He IS, and growing Bolder in my faith to ASK. Now that I know who I am IN HIM, things are so different–as His children we have every right, and in fact Honor Him, when we ask boldly. Some folks get all freaked out: “you can’t be Demanding of God”. No, we can’t–but there’s a world of difference between being arrogant toward Him (demanding), and confident that He’s our Good, Generous, LOVING FATHER. He IS our inheritance–and He Owns Everything–and He delights in sharing it ALL with us. Done. God bless you BIG–love, sis Caddo
Amen Sis, He is our Father who loves us more than we can comprehend. We who are sinners know how to give good gifts so how much more does this LOVING FATHER know to give us. DONE, BIG! Love to you Sis!