Today’s Scripture: Now there was a man named Simeon who lived in Jerusalem. He was a righteous man and very devout. He was filled with the Holy Spirit, and he eagerly expected the Messiah to come and rescue Israel. Luke 2:25: NLT Tyndale
This is my last time apologizing for staying in this same verse and being hung up on Simeon. I may just stay here all year, if that is what it takes. Takes to do what? For me to DO right.
To be righteous before God we must DO right; right? I can affirm and speak empty truths but what I DO makes all the difference. THREE letters, simple yet defining. Try to stop your mind from chasing the works vs. faith rabbit for a moment.
I do not want to debate but to do. I DO can be ceremonial for public consumption or it can be committed to God. Simply, I DO, no matter what I want to do, no matter the circumstances. In every action we have choices don’t we? Our way or God’s way.
This is NOT about saying I DO to look righteous or devoted to God but I want to do and be. Maybe if I am faithful in these small things God may just trust me with much more. Do you believe that? I DO.
Do you have a seemingly small thing in your daily walk that you know you need to choose God’s way instead of your own? I do. Pray for me and I will pray for you.
Today’s Prayer: Father God, You are my only hope to do what is right. I desire to be righteous before You. Forgive me for my weakness and my selfishness. I need You Father to help me do right. In each choice I make, shine Your light and Your Wisdom on me. Show me the way and give me the devotion to do right. Help me to show my love for You in what I do. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Thank you, Tom. I will choose I DO… again and again.
Thanks Katy! Yes, again and again!!
Thanks, Tom! So simple and so inspiring.
Thank you Meg! Thankful we can inspire each other say I do! Blessings!
AMEN! Tom, such a powerful message once again!
Yes, may we say “I DO” – and actually DO – each and every day.
True love is expressed in action, in DO-ing, not simply in what we say.
And, bearing fruit for our LORD, may all that we DO
express our heart for Him: committed, pure and true.
Thanks Caroline, pure and true!