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Today’s Scripture: and the grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. I Timothy 1:14 ESV
My argument with Paul this morning went something like this: “You can not be the worst of sinners because that is me.” There is a new “chief” in town. Seriously, do you sometimes wonder why and how God loves you?
Those of us who have been forgiven much don’t we have an extra dose of thanksgiving? I am mindful of the woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and her hair. I am that kind of thankful. Down on my knees before Jesus knowing I am not worthy of His love and His grace.
Yet, I have it. In the abundance of Jesus’ grace I have been cleansed. Further yet I have been commanded by God to share this hope I have in Jesus Christ. I can write to you today not out of my righteousness but out of the overflow of the grace of Jesus.
How do you show your thankfulness for the grace of Jesus?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for loving me. I offer You my tears, my hands and my life to wash the feet of Jesus. I am thankful for the abundant grace of Jesus Christ my Lord whose loving grace overflowed for me. Help me to show my gratitude by loving as Jesus did and by completing the work You have commanded me to do. Thank You LORD. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Julian says
This is truly a great one! You are getting better and better day by day, affirmation by affirmation! — Julian
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Tom Raines says
All Glory to God and His Holy Spirit who generates the tears and the thankfulness. Blessings to you today by brother.
Desiray says
I love the story of the woman who washed His feet I am I have all these thoughts of what she felt when she saw me for the first time, I know her tears was of joy, but also tears of she no longer have to carry those burdens of her life anymore. Great story.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Desiray, pulls at your heart the depth of her gratefulness and ours. Blessings to you!
Debbie says
This is so beautiful , Tom. Has me in tears of thankfulness too. What could come out of lives lived like this, so thankful that they wash the feet of Jesus with all they have? God bless you as you humbly serve Him in great ways today!
Tom Raines says
Debbie, I am thankful for those tears of thankfulness and praise God for His Spirit in us who generates these tears. What better way to use our tears than to wash Jesus’ feet. I do see you as that woman. Blessings and cleansing and thank you for sharing my tears of thanksgiving!
Cindy says
Listening to this AWESOME song by Jason Gray right now, Remind Me Who I Am and this post from a few days ago came up in my spirit. Felt led to put it out there…might be someone who does NOT know the grace of Jesus…OR someone, like me, who may have let the voice of the enemy in to condemn and oppress and so forgets what the Word of God says: HE LOVES US…WE ARE FORGIVEN! Oh praise His Name! We love YOU LORD! God bless you and yours Tom, Cindy