Today’s Scripture: The LORD was with Joseph, and he became a successful man, and he was in the house of his Egyptian master. Genesis 39:2 ESV
Joseph’s story is one of my favorite and Joseph is constantly teaching me what it means to be a success. Just as Joseph, I know the LORD is with me. The comfort and confidence in that alone assures success.
I took my son to college yesterday and I am confident that the LORD is with him too. I also know that he will become a successful man if he stays with the LORD. Like Joseph, others will see that the LORD is with him and he will find favor.
We have that choice today too don’t we? Regardless of the pit we may have been thrown into or the temptation we face, the LORD is with us and we become successful in Him. The LORD shows us His steadfast love and others will see it too. The LORD is with us and it is He who makes us successful.
How do others see that the LORD is with you?
Today’s Prayer: LORD, thank You for being with me and with those I love. LORD please show Yourself, Your love, and Your favor through me. Thank You for Joseph’s life and the lessons we find in Your word. You define us LORD and it is You who makes us a success. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
“The LORD is with us and it is He who makes us successful.” a powerful and comforting affirmation from God Sir Tom! 😉 Thanks for a great reminder, God bless 🙂
Thank you Mae, you bless me with your confirmation! God is making you a success with who you are where you are. Blessings and His success!