Freedom, what is true freedom? True freedom seems to leave out the “but” and “ifs”. What good is it to say we have freedom but live life as though we do not. Freedom without reservation, for me, only comes as Jesus promised in John 8:36 “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” (NKJ).
Right now this very moment I am totally free. It is nothing I have done but what the person of Jesus has done. IF He makes us free, we are free indeed. No buts and no ifs. Ok I know in the quiet and comfort of my office before the world has really awoken and begun to throw buts and ifs at me, I am free. When the world wakes up will I continue to be free?
I was brought to John 8 this morning from John Baker’s lesson 19 in the Celebrate Recovery Leader’s guide entitled “Crossroads”. We are discussing Principle 7 which it critical when we stand at the crossroads.
Principle 7: Reserve a daily time with God for self-examination, Bible reading, and prayer in order to know God and His will for my life and to gain the power to follow His will.
Ok, this is a man made rule. Do you really have to reserve and protect that “daily” time? Do you really have to read the bible? Is prayer really necessary? Well, haven’t we been at this crossroads before? How did NOT doing these things work out for you? For me, not so good.
Now these practices of my own actions are NOT what have made me free. What has set me free is the Son of God I have found there. I had a decent “quiet time” when I was still drinking every day! But it was a “bible study” or homework I did to know ABOUT Jesus. When I finally went to my knees because I needed to KNOW Him, He showed Himself to me.
He has set me free. Would I have known Him the way I do today without this daily seeking of Him? Doubtful. All I can share is that this Principle has proven to be true in my life. But please make sure the goal is to KNOW JESUS. Your goal is NOT to have a daily time. I hope that makes sense.
In John 8:19 “Jesus answered, “You know neither Me nor My Father. If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also.” (NKJ) We must know Him. How do we get to know Him without spending time with Him? I know you have heard all this before. But here we stand at the crossroads.
We must live in His word 8:31 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And if we do abide and live in His word he tells us in John 8:32 “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Freedom is there for us in the person of Jesus. No buts, ifs or complications. The only time I taste true freedom is when I completely trust that the Jesus I have come to know is in complete control. If I take part of it back and begin to live life as if He is not then I lose my freedom. In Him, I am free. I am free indeed.
What has been your experience with this freedom? Do you have it? Do you want it? What is your experience with this daily time with God? Each day is a crossroad , which path will you choose today?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Che says
Wow, very true, encouraging, and challenging. We totally have to wrestle things out with him. That is how I believe “the violent take it by force.” Thanks for sharing.
tomraines says
che, thank you for stopping by. One thing I ask of the Lord this is all I seek. To gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and seek Him in His temple. Such freedom. One thing, know Him, know true freedom!
Bill (cycleguy) says
I have it. I want it. I live in it. I breathe it. Thank you Lord for Your freedom!
tomraines says
INDEED. So awesome. Thanks Bill for praising Him!!
Donald Borsch Jr. says
His Will is power. His Will is freedom. His Will is absolute. His Will leads to eternity and promise and hope and blessings and love, love, love.
“My will,
My will,
be a dead man.”*
I love being a slave for Christ. I love giving Him precedence, honor, respect, and total authority to do with me as He pleases, because He has always been true and just when dealing with me.
It has been said that to do such a thing is to be nothing more than a mindless puppet, a blind sycophant, a weak-minded and helpless “christian” who needs a crutch to lean on because he can’t handle reality.
Perhaps. Perhaps that is all that I really am. If The World sees me thusly, I know I am on the right path. I’d like to think that my abdication of my “free will”, (to The Will of my Father), that provides me with unlimited freedom, is really the proper way to relate to Him.
But what do I now? I’m just one of those “christians” who needs a “crutch”. hehehehehe
*Lyrics from Project 86, “My Will Be a Dead Man”
tomraines says
Awesome. a slave to Jesus is Freedom. Jesus told the world they were slaves to sin…call me weak minded!!
Donald Borsch Jr. says
“You are weak-minded.”
Ain’t it great? I know I dig it quite a bit! After all, ‘man’s wisdom is foolishness to God’, so why should we try to ever outsmart Him?
Your friend, a slave and a servant,
Donald in Bethel, CT
tomraines says