Today’s Scripture: Ephesians 2:4-5 ESV: 4But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, 5even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ— by grace you have been saved—
Because of God’s great love for us, He made us alive with Christ. This aliveness saved us from the life of just following the ways of the world and allowing our cravings of the flesh to dictate our actions. It is so easy to slip back into following our cravings and just existing day to day.
“Alive” in God’s grace; what does that look like to you?
Because I am alive with Christ today I will __________________________.
How will you fill in your blank today out of thankfulness and remembering God’s gift to you? He has prepared a work today for each of us.
Today’s Prayer: God, thank You for loving me and saving me with Your grace. I am alive with Christ today. Open my eyes, my heart and my mind to what You have prepared for me to do, today. Holy Spirit, help me recognize opportunities for good works and make me alive with Christ and protect me from the desires of my flesh and mind. LORD, please help me fill in my blank today. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Because I am alive in Christ today I will: move forward in joy, believing that He who began a good work in me will complete it…(as opposed to my tendency to get stuck and worry that I’m not enough for God to ever use…)
This was one of the best affirmations Tom, because it made me stop and intentionally take something with me.
love it. thank you my friend.
Thank you Robin! Move forward in joy is a great heartfelt intentional move. Thanks for stoppng and filling in the blank…he stopped me too. Blessings to you.
Thank you for the challenge! Because I am alive in Christ today I will be a shining light of His love. I pray that I, you, and your readers can all be used by God to complete His work in us. I also thank you for the wonderful information in this blog and will certainly return for more : )
Joe, thanks for stopping by and commenting and what a wonderful prayer and way to fill in the blank for the day! “I will be a shining light of His Love”…LOVE IT! Bless you!
Because I am alive with Christ today I will be a DOER of the Word, walking IN love and BY faith. Glory to God. Thanks Tom! Cindy
Thanks Cindy for responding. Interesting isn’t that if we allow to live through us then we are alive and will act and do and be who He desires. LORD, keep me out of the way of Him. Live through us LORD and help us as Cindy says, being the DOER You prepared us to be. Blessings, Cindy!