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Today’s Scripture: He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8 NIV
“What does the LORD require of you?” In anticipation of the response do you only desire those things? Without knowing the answers do you know this is all you want?
Micah was a prophet to the people of Israel that had lost their way by acting like the world around them instead of following the requirements of God. Still today, we are guilty of this very thing. Yet the promises of God stand. If we act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with Him He will provide all the strength and guidance we need.
The LORD is speaking to us, He is providing us direction and He throws our past sins into the depths of the sea. I pray we do what God requires and witness where He is leading us. When we do what He requires he will provide all of the strength, guidance and direction we need.
Do you desire the LORD’s requirements over all others?
Today’s Prayer: Almighty God, thank You for speaking clearly. Forgive me for seeking requirements outside of You. I look to You LORD for guidance and direction. I thank You for those You have already sent to guide me. I need Your strength and Your Spirit to do as You require. Thank You for loving me and for providing Your light. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
katy says
Thank you for the reminder, Tom. This is something I am working on right now, every day.
I hope this upcoming Thanksgiving week is full of God’s richest blessings.
Tom Raines says
Amen Katy Thank you! I pray we bless God with our Thanksgivings this week and recall the richest blessings He has given us. Praying thanksgivings for your Katy!
Debbie says
This is one of my favorite scriptures. (maybe because it is short, simple and concise . . I can remember it! 🙂 ) Your post and affirmation though, are deep and drawing me to Him, to where He leads. God bless you and yours, Tom!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Deb! God bless you and yours too. I am thankful for you!