Today’s Scripture: I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to give you the land of Canaan, and to be your God. Leviticus 25:38 ESV
God has us where He wants us doesn’t he? I really thought I was going somewhere else this morning in Leviticus 26 where I felt God’s peace; however He has me here in Leviticus 25 as I searched for context.
As the LORD spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai He speaks to us. He has brought us to our land, where we are today for His purposes and to be our God.
His Word lays out for us what we are to do, yet what we do is subservient to being His. We find security and our jubilee in trusting in His provision. I know God’s blessings will provide what I need. He will provide others for me and me for others so we support each other to live in Him.
Does God have you where you are so you will know He is your God?
Today’s Prayer: God of Moses, thank You for being my God. LORD, I trust You have me in the land You have intended for me. I trust in Your provision and Your law. LORD keep me ever mindful that You are my God right where I am. Help me to trust in You over all things and to live for You. Thank You for providing others for me and me for others to live with You. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
bill (cycleguy) says
My mind immediately started singing, “Oh God you are my God, and i will ever praise You.” 🙂
Tom Raines says
Sing your praises Bill! Thanks for stopping by…with my travel schedule lately I have been struggling to make my daily visits…hope to catch up soon!
Desiray says
Now that is amazing because I am re-reading the same book I just finished up with Chapter 22
Tom Raines says
God is good and He is ours! Praising Him for using us to spur each other on and to give His confirmation to us. May live by Him and for Him…Blessings Desiray!
Debbie says
This was really wonderful for me to hear today too! I’ve had some tough stuff going on and He showed me that He is helping me through it and also training me in it . has a purpose! God bless you, Tom, right where you are with Him!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Deb! I am blessed that this word blessed you where you are. His is our God and with us wherever we are!
Blessings and praying now for where you are!
jelillie says
“LORD keep me ever mindful that You are my God right where I am. Help me to trust in You over all things and to live for You. ” Wow that’s good! May I reblog this?
Tom Raines says
Thanks Jelillie, you can see I have been away too…of course you can reblog any time you would like. Blessings to you my brother!