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God opens our eyes to what He wants us to see. The eyes of our hearts are opened to hope. Today’s affirmation comes from Ephesians 1:17:
I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. (NIV)
Paul reminds us all of the power of God in this first chapter of his letter to the Ephesians. “Membership has its privileges” was a marketing campaign for a credit card company I believe years ago. What Paul is sharing here is that God will give us what we need and open our eyes to what we need to see. We are a part of the family.
In fact in verses 4 and 5 of this first chapter of Ephesians we are told we have been chosen and are the adopted children of Jesus Christ. We have been adopted by the highest God. Because of the blood of Jesus He reveals His mysterious will to us.
The mystery of His will is made known to us. Through Jesus and His Holy Spirit we receive the inheritance that was created for us. An inheritance that is assuring and guaranteed by the Holy Spirit.
This Spirit that God has given us opens the eyes of our hearts. This is not a physical knowledge in the mind but a spiritual knowledge in the heart. God will open the eyes of our hearts. As Paul prayed for the Ephesians in verse 18:
I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, (NIV)
Yes the LORD will allow us to see with our hearts the hope that is in Him. “To know the hope.”; do you know it? There is hope in this inheritance. He designed each of us with this hope. Can’t figure things out? The whys? Can we stop trying to understand with our minds but trust God to enlighten our hearts?
He will, guaranteed. All we have to do is believe. Sounds easy but hardly a week goes by I don’t hear someone or think that sometimes it is just hard to believe. Yes, when I begin to think logically in my simple mind about the wonders of God my belief can sound illogical. However, when God shines His light on my heart there is no doubt and no absence of hope.
More than even hope is the incredible greatness of God’s power. Paul says it best in verses 19 and 20:
I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. (NLT)
Incredible greatness sounds so superfluous and we can’t possibly imagine in our minds this power. We can’t but we can simply believe. If we believe He will shine the light. He will help us know Him.
God thank You for Your Spirit of wisdom and revelation and help us with our unbelief. Please reveal your mysteries to our hearts. What else do you find in Ephesians 1? Do you find family, hope and power?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
bill (cycleguy) says
As you know my time is short due to circumstances beyond my control but I just wanted to reaffirm what you say here Tom. One of my prayers NEEDS to be that verse in Eph.1. I need that spirit of wisdom, not only to know Him better but also for my daily life. Too much and too many decisions to make every day to do it on my own.
tomraines says
Thanks Bill for taking the time to stop by as you are always appreciated. NEED is a great word!
Donald Borsch Jr. says
I believe! (…now, um, Lord, can You help me out with my disbelief…?)
Wisdom. Different than knowledge. Still essential.
tomraines says
Man are we wishy washy in the flesh. God’s wisdom and Spirit runs deep and His power is incredibly great!!
Thanks Donald! says
Today I just want to say thank you – that is one of my FAVORITE verses. Plus, I have a friend who recently stopped blogging that I enjoyed. Thank you for NOT STOPPING – for continuing to do this every day.
tomraines says
Debi, your encouragement does mean a lot to me and will spur me on in those hurried and tiresome times to remain faithful to the call!
Thank you! says
Wait – does the verse say “we have to believe” or does it say, “I pray the eyes of your heart will be enlightened” Remember in the Old Testament when the E prophet (can never get Elijah and Elisha figured out) told his servant that “those who are with us are greater than those who are against us” and asked God to open his eyes and he saw realms of heavenly angels surrounding them to fight. I think the “have to believe” can sometimes put too much pressure on us to perform. I do believe every problem is based on our unbelief – I mean if we REALLY believed all we say we do – we would NEVER WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING. If our HEART were enlightened – we would never doubt. So….I like this prayer. God YOU open the eyes of my heart. YOU do your work one more time – so I can see with spiritual eyes and believe your fabulousness. You do for me what I cannot do for myself. Just as HE gave me the faith to believe and accept him – I also believe that HE will OPEN MY EYES – (postscript – some of the ways he has opened my eyes have not been fun:) I am experiencing a new burst of faith – but it is after 2 weeks of undescribable hell – was it worth it for the peace and calm I feel now in crisis? Absolutely. But I might not have thought so at the time. Okay. Enough rambling. Open the eyes of our hearts Lord! Okay….all of this is just me being grateful to have a place to think adult thoughts – I teach middle schoolers
tomraines says
Thank you Debi, always welcome here for some adult thoughts here. Thank you for what you do with those middle schoolers! I praise the Lord you are in a good place now and yes we do have our eyes opened. I do believe the reference scriptures I were reading yesterday planted the seed of the requirement to “believe”. I just looked back at Ephesians one and verse 13 does say: …”having believed we have been sealed with the Holy Spirit.” and verse 19 said “and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, ” I do think all of these great things come to those who believe. But I also believe many great characters in the bible and in our lives show at times our beliefs can be challenged…. So funny you mentioned the angels on the hill surrounding the E prophet I was just thinking the other day how wonderful that is to know those powerful angels are up there on the hills and ready to defend us! LOVE that you are participating and I do want your questions and feedback! have a great day!
Robin~All Things Heart and Home says
Tom, I love the phrase/prayer/: ‘the eyes of your heart may be enlightened that you may know the hope to which you’ve been called’
Without His touch my days seem ordinary and meaningless…but when He enables me to see I look at even the “ordinary” in a different light. The random things in my life aren’t random at all … even they are part of His plan. Part of His calling for me.
Praying to have the eyes of my understanding open to His call…
tomraines says
Thank you Robin, I can see in many of your beautiful photographs that God is showing you wonderful things in the ordinary. You are gifted and I thank you for sharing your gifts with us and being faithful to your calling.