Today’s Scripture: Proverbs 2:2 NKJ: So that you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding;
Shhhh, did you hear that? There is listening and there is listening intently isn’t there? Has anyone ever accused you of not listening? You were kind of listening but you have to try and search your memory if you actually heard them?
The “incline your ear” given to us here in Proverbs 2 that is the step to understanding and knowing God is the kind of listening you turn on when you think you hear a noise in your darkened home at night. You turn your good ear in the direction of the noise and lean in to listen for the next recognizable sound.
My son knows when I am not listening as he will say “you are yessing me aren’t you”? He knows I was kind of listening or maybe not at all. God and wisdom know that too. To hear God’s wisdom we must stop and incline our ear to Him. Listen for that still quiet voice.
Can you stop for a moment to hear that small noise? Can you turn your ear and listen intently? There that is the kind of listening required to hear wisdom. Can you sense the difference?
Today’s Prayer: Lord, teach me to listen to wisdom with Your hearing. Help me to turn and focus my ear to You. I incline my ear to You Father and Your Wisdom. Teach me in Your ways as I seek Your understanding and Your knowledge. Amen.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Caroline Gavin says
Beautiful! Thank you, Tom!
Such a wonderful reminder to listen intently to wisdom, to move our ear ever closer to our Father. May we savor stillness and the sacred answers therein.
May God continue to bless you and your work for Him!
Tom Raines says
Thanks Caroline! Wish I could state it as beautifully as you! Glad the message was still received, ha! Blessings to you!
Robin says
Oh Tom …
this is a problem for me so often. My kids talk and I’m dying to tell them how to ‘fix’ whatever is going on at the time-Mike and I talk and my mind runs ahead of our conversation thinking of things to say—and with God. sigh. Yes, He’s probably the One I talk ‘at’ more that talk to.
Thank you for reminding me to quiet my own voice and tune in.
Hugs my friend~
Tom Raines says
Thanks Robin for stopping by! Praying God will help us listen intently as we incline our ear to Him….and yes I need to improve my listening all around…
bill (cycleguy) says
Been reading through Proverbs this month. Today’s: “Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.” Good words today Tom. I definitely have a need for wisdom.
Tom Raines says
Thanks Bill for stopping by, I used to read a proverb every day but have been slack in that lately. Thanks for the reminder as I believe there are 31 chapters so we can read one every day! This Proverbs 2:1-5 study has been something I have been wanting to do. It all started as I was writing on Step one being on your knees…which ties into your blog this morning…
SethCaddell says
Taking time to listen is key to staying connected with God. Great reminder this morning to be listening for the small voice.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Seth for stopping by and commenting. May we listen closely and hear that small voice.
Brandon says
Awesome verse!
Tom Raines says
Thanks B!
Kimberly says
In my study today, the Hebrew word for obedience is shama which means “to hear attentively and intelligently.” Seeking God’s wisdom by listening. I think we’re on the same track here! ; ) Good word Tom!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Kimberly for sharing from your study today! Shama: “to hear attentively and intelligently”. Interesting how that definition focus’s more on listening attentively than the being obedient we typically think of…we have to listen before we do…hmmm. Thank you and it’s great to see you back!
Rachel says
Hi … how important seeking to hear and learn from the Holy Spirit the true wisdom from above. When you consider all the lies that pervade our awareness throughout the day, to seek and listen to God’s wisdom is critical to not living a life of bondage to the world’s philosophies that cheat us of what we have in Christ.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Rachel! Wonderful point. We MUST listen to God’s wisdom to guard our hearts and minds from the world’s philosphies that only seek to steal and destroy our hope and our faith in Christ. In His Spirit and in Christ we have the true life to the fullest…fullest on His scale, not that of the world…beware of the lies! Thanks for stopping by and for your ministry!
patsy costner says
Tom I was in a situation not so long ago and the outward sounds of the world and all its demons were so loud I could almost hear nothing outside my fear. It was not until I stopped focusing on the outside and listened for God’s voice on the inside, focusing intently on God, standing on the truths from His Word, and clinging to the Cross and My Jesus was I able to escape. And in the middle of all the fear… God ministered to me through his voice. Do I have your email? If not please send it to me. Thank you God for your voice of wisdom in ALL circumstances.
Tom Raines says
Patsy, what a great reminder that we are listening to and for a mighty and powerful God. His Spirit can speak to us in that still small voice yet speak with the sound of a rushing wind if He so desires. He can calm our storms and drive away demons. Where else can we go but “clinging to the Cross and My Jesus”…then we are able to escape. God help us listen, cling and know You alone are our God. My email is: Thanks for your testimony!