Today’s Affirmation: The Lord goes before me and fights my battles.
Do we believe that? Why do we worry and stress? If we feel we are called by God to do something, why do we think we have to figure out all the details and spend so much time doing things that we think will get us ready?
In 2 Samuel 5:24, David was assured that the Lord would go before him to strike his enemies.
How could David be so confident? First of all in 2 Samuel 5:2, David was reminded that he had been called by God. The Lord said to him ” You shall shepherd My People Israel and be ruler over Israel.”
Secondly, In 2 Samuel 5: 19, David asked the Lord if he should go up against his enemies and specifically asked “Will you deliver them into my hand?” And the Lord answered David, “Go up, for I will doubtless deliver them into your hand.”
Thirdly, once again another battle faced him and David asked the Lord again. This time the Lord was even more specific on where and how to go about it. This is where the affirmation comes from where the Lord promised to go before him and strike the enemy.
What can we learn from this?
1. If God calls us to something, we will know. Has God called you to something? If not, ask Him to reveal your calling to you and when the time is right He will, guaranteed.
2. Just because David was called he did not go out like the lone ranger. When David was faced with a battle he prayed to God and specifically asked Him if He would deliver them into my hands. Are we specific with our questions to God?
3. God answered David clearly. He heard the the call of God to go and He went confidently knowing God promised to deliver. Do we trust the answer of God and go confidently with faith in God’s answer? Do we tend to think now it’s back in our hands?
4. The next time David was faced with another battle he once again went to the Lord and prayed if he should proceed. Do we continue to go to the Lord each time we face a challenge? Do we seek His answers?
5. God gave David a specific path to follow. It seems the more David went to the Lord the more specific God gave him the directions. Do we show the faith, do we inquire of the Lord in the face of every battle? What battles do you face today?
No worries, God has called each of us to something. What is it Lord? Please tell us and may we always ask You for direction and go confidentlyand boldy where you call us to go.
Lord, do you want me to face this battle today? Will you deliver me?
If it is HIS battle He will go before us.
The ‘battle’ truly is the Lord’s. David did not kill Goliath…God did. David’s TRUST in God is confirmed in the fact that David did NOT RUN after God’s instructions to take up ‘five stones.’ Had it been me…I would have have said, ‘Yea, Lord. But hows about ‘one’ stone!’ :smile:. David like Noah, Abraham, Moses, and many, many others…KNEW God. To KNOW God is to TRUST God.
Good post. Thanks.
Carolyn /
Thanks Carolyn for joining in! How quickly I can forget!!! May we TRUST God in all things including our battles.
My first reaction was to respond to the “why do we worry and stress” question. But as I read further on I realized that you were answering the lack of needing to do so. I know John Eldredge (agree or disagree is not the point) speaks often about warfare and how we are not fighting our own battle. I remember Ps.20:7 as a “go to” verse. It is HIS battle!
Thanks Bill, how quickly I can forget who’s battle it is and try to figure out how to fight it. May I trust in Him more and more in all things.