Today’s Affirmation: My soul is His.
Ever feel disconnected from your soul? Have you ever been in touch with it? In Ezekiel 18:4 where this affirmation was drawn; God says to Ezekiel “Behold, all souls are Mine; The soul of the father As well as the soul of the son is Mine; The soul who sins shall die.
“All souls are mine” says the Lord. I believe that in context Jesus was correcting an old saying among the Israelites that the sins of the father were placed on their son but He is saying each of us has our own soul and our sin will kill our own soul.
If sin kills my soul, it is dead. A dead soul doesn’t sound quite right, does it? I am guilty of killing my soul. But if is not mine, but God’s can I kill it? Is it truly dead to me or to Him.
There is hope. In 18:21 God says “But if a wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed, keeps all My statutes, and does what is lawful and right, he shall surely live; he shall not die.
Alright! Oh wait, did you say keeps ALL My statutes then I will live. How about some of them some of the time? ALL My statutes is a tall order God. Of course God, in His awesome wisdom and grace answers all of this in Ezekiel 18.
We humans haven’t changed over all the years. We still think it is just not fair for God to expect us to keep all His laws. God has a great question for us here in Ezekiel. I have to chuckle at how God answers my simple mind’s question here in 18:25. He asks is it His way that isn’t fair or our way which isn’t fair??
Is my way being fair? Is it my soul to ruin or is it His? He states that He finds no pleasure in all of us dying and if we will just turn from our transgressions He will forgive us and we will live. Great there is hope! God in His infinite wisdom takes it another step for us. In 18:31 He says all I have to do is turn away from my transgressions. Now I can handle considering just my transgressions versus considering ALL of His laws. Just worry bout turning away from what I know my sins are. He says turn away from my sin and get a new heart and a new spirit.
He wants us to live. In the final verse there is great hope “therefore turn and live”. Turn to Him and away from our sins. My soul dies to me and lives in Him. When my soul dies to me but lives in Him it is so refreshing to have a new heart and a new spirit. Sounds fair to me.
- Do we live as our soul is ours or His? Are we being fair?
- Can you turn today from your transgressions and receive His heart and His spirit?
- Can you pray to God for His soul to live within you and welcome the breath of fresh air that comes with your new heart and your new spirit?
Thank you Father God for your soul within me. Forgive me for my sins and I welcome Your heart and Your spirit to replace the soul I killed with my sin.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations4Life
Robin~ All Things Heart and Home says
Daily I pray for help to turn from my sins and embrace the Spirit that He’s put in me…
I’m humbled when I think of how often I’ve muddied the soul He created … and how many times He’s made me new.