Today’s Affirmation: I seek Godly advisers and this makes victory sure.
Proverbs 11:14 says: For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure.
A nation is made up of it’s people. A “people” are made up of you and I. For victory to be sure we need to seek many advisers. For some reason, I think I am supposed to know the answers. If for some reason I don’t I am in some way deficient. This is obviously wrong but a stumbling block of pride and leaning on my own understanding.
What would be victory for you today? What will make this day victorious? If faced with a challenge do we know what would define victory? In each challenge, in each battle may we seek God’s advice on what He would say is victory. May that be our goal, our mission, our purpose.
Do you have people in your life who love you and give you great advice and you don’t really even know why? Do you think this is coincidence or the hand of God? A person who will pray for you, with you and be real? If you don’t have those people, may that be your prayer today that God will open your eyes and heart to them today.
I am so thankful for the many advisers in my life. Especially the honest, giving, and Godly people He has placed in my life. Do all advisers have to be “Godly”? NO, but as for me, in matters of the heart it has proven to be vital. Technical advice is one thing; choices that direct your heart is another. I am amazed by the giving hearts of many people I meet and yes here on the internet. People just love to help others. We are hard wired to help. I thank God for that.
1. God remind me to always define victory in light of your eternity. Show me today what will make this a victorious day.
2. God thank You for those advisers You have placed in my life. Please open my eyes and ears to those you choose to help me with my current battles. Can you make a list of advisers in your life today?
3. Your victory is sure, dear Lord help me fight the right battles today. What battle do I need new advisers for?
Bill (cycleguy) says
I have chosen to take steps to insure victory in a major area of my life. I have put Covenant Eyes on my computer and have chosen a local Naz pastor to be my accountability partner. I am not afraid to admit that I needed help and controlling this area and with that advent of action have found a peace and victory that was lacking. I don’t regret admitting I needed someone else. Thanks for the encouragement today tom.
tomraines says
Bill, thank you for your post. You have enouraged me to pull the trigger on Conenant Eyes as well. I have given lip service to my accountablility partners of going this route but have never done it. I keep putting it off. My heart is touched at the thought of ” in the advent of action I will find peace and victory.” Thank you as I needed this message today.
Robin says
Love it! Define victory in light of eternity…that truth, if grasped, will change everything.
I believe we sometimes seek advisers that say what we want to hear. I pray I’ll choose the right ones to speak the truth…
I also like the idea of being aware of the battles we face on any given day and defining victory before we even start. So obvious, but I don’t don it! I’m going to jot down a few of today’s battles that come to mind right now and divine the victory in light of eternity.
sooooo good Tom.
tomraines says
Thanks Robin! We all have such similar battles that we some how think we fight alone. Satan loves to isolate us like the predator likes to separate the weakest prey. We are weak when we are alone and left to our own thoughts and actions, aren’t we. God Continue to open our eyes and help us to encourage and spur each other on to all kinds of of good works and yes, victories!
May we face the battle He wants us to address today.
I soooo appreciate your encouragement!
patsy says
Tom, did not know you had a site. I appreciated this article. It is so hard to find those people who are real enough to speak the truth. I have started a Bible Study just for the purpose of holding each other accountable as we study God’s word. I started out with 16 people. Interestingly, individuals have looked at their clouds so long that they do believe as they want or need things to be. Life is easier this way. I love Robin, she is an inspiration to me. So proud of Godly men who are taking their place to make a difference in this world. Will look forward to reading your thoughts.
tomraines says
Thank you Patsy for checking in. Just started this a week ago. I too soooo enjoy Robin and her writing. I really appreciate your encouragment and look forward to reading your thoughts as well!
Bill (cycleguy) says
Tom: I do not regret one iota admitting that I needed help and seeking it. I remember hearing about CE on Pete Wilson’s blog and how he was glad he had it. That was my first exposure to it and when God began planting the seed in my mind. You will not regret it.
Lauren says
Thank you, I needed this message today:).
tomraines says
Thank you Lauren, I am glad this one hit you. I know you have just subscribed and I apologize for my delayed response! I am usually much more in tune and seeking these affirmations of God daily. I am just in the midst of an a annual work season that I requires me to work many long hours. I thank you for being there and I know God will bless us and use this process to encourage each other. Welcome.