Today’s Affirmation: I give you what I have.
Expectations are huge. Do we expect God to use whatever we do have? It may not seem like much to us but do we have faith in the Almighty to use us for His glory?
Today’s affirmation comes from Acts 3:6 where Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you.”
Do you think the crippled man sitting at the gate called Beautiful in this story expected more than just the typical beggars reward from Peter and John when they passed by. He begged for money. Since he had been crippled since birth did he know there was any other way. Any other possibility?
In that instant, do you think Peter knew exactly what was going to happen when he said “but what I have I give you”? Peter did know that the power was not his own but he said : “in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”
This man, crippled since birth, walked and jumped and everyone was filled with wonder and amazement. Do we EXPECT wonder and amazement from just giving what we have? Is all we have seem tiny as a mustard seed?
Like Peter, I can only give others what I have. I can reach out my hand and ask in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth to do wonders.
1. Do you expect God to use you to bless others?
2. What do you expect today?
3. Like the crippled man, are we only expecting to get a little money to feed ourselves today? Can we expect and dream of more through the miracles of the Christ?
4. If we expect to receive the power of God, what can you dream today that God can do with what you have?
The Holy Spirit can do wondrous and amazing things with what we have. Give it and expect it.
We praise you Lord!
Bill (cycleguy) says
As I have matured in my faith I have come to realize I can only give Him what I have and am willing to give up. I have to come to Him with open hands. To borrow a phrase from a song: “hold on loosely.” Hold on loosely to those things that seem important to me but are used even more in His hands. Good thoughts today Tom.
tomraines says
Thank you so much for commenting! Sorry I had to run out the door as soon as I posted this morning and just getting back. Love the “loosely” advice. So true! I tend to hold on tight and try to control too much! Have great evening.
Robin says
I was just reading The Parable of the Talents this morning and thinking about doing all I know to do with what I’ve been given…
Do I expect God to use what He’s given me for His glory? Not every day. I so often feel I’ve nothing to offer. But my heart is to be open to whatever God wants to do through me.
Today I’m intentionally focusing on giving what I have and trusting Him to do the rest…
Thanks for this Tom
tomraines says
Expect it girl. You have ton’s to offer and I think you do as you touch so many. Keep on giving…
Thank you for your support and advice!