Today’s Scripture: Ephesians 5:13, BSB- “But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that is illuminated becomes a light itself.”
The thought of being exposed is nerve wracking. I have two young children going to school fearing the testing they are facing today. Tests do give us anxiety that we may be exposed or embarrassed. Our teachers and this world do judge us based on how we do in our tests of life. With God, we never fail.
I have lived most of my life paralyzed by the fear of failure. However, I have matured and learned to embrace and be thankful for God’s light that exposed me. I know I write about the light of God too often, but it is only because I know my purpose is to encourage as many people as I can to embrace the exposure of God.
I am convinced and have claimed Ephesians 5:13, BSB as my life verse; “But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that is illuminated becomes a light itself.” Celebrate Recovery’s use of this verse in lesson one points out that when we live in denial of our hurts, habits, and hang-ups, we escape into a world of fantasy and unrealistic expectations of ourselves and others.
I now expect that whatever has been exposed in our lives is now our light. God’s purpose in exposing me in my alcoholism has been for me to realize that because of my disease I found Him. My testimony is that alcoholism is the best thing that ever happened to me. It broke me and yes it embarrassed me and those I loved most.
However, because I have been exposed and instead of finding judgment, I found the joys and treasures of God and His Word. For the first time in my life, I found passion. I am passionate to encourage you that whatever has exposed you is now your light to this dark world.
There are people all around the world that suffer with what you have suffered. The light of God we find in our darkest places can be reflected to illuminate the hopes of others. The dark ruler of this world does everything he can to rob, steal, and destroy our light. We are not to believe his lies. We are to live our light.
Feel the warmth of God’s light upon your face. Do not put on a veil but trust that those needing you will sense and see the light of your spirit. This world needs you. Someone trapped in darkness needs to see your light breaking through. Because your pain is like theirs and you are surviving and maybe even thriving, the light of hope and promise will emerge.
I am praying that you will join me in living out Ephesians 5:8-10, “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.” (NKJV)
As we keep turning to God in prayer and preparation, we come to know what pleases the Lord. Because we tell the truth that came from the exposure of our secrets, we live in the freedom and joy of God’s light.
We do find our delights in the delights of our Lord and Savior. Let us walk today as children of His light. Our exposure was not in vain but for the purpose of helping others find God’s light. Will you let your light shine today?
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for exposing me. Thank You LORD for shining Your light so brightly into my darkest places that these places have now become my light. I am praying to walk and reflect Your light today. Help us Lord to expose darkness so we may turn more and more to your goodness, righteousness, and truth. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ we do pray. Amen.
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