Today’s Scripture: That is why we can say with confidence,“The Lord is my helper, so I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”Hebrews 13:6 NLT Tyndale
Have you ever had the experience that you keep getting the same message over and over but you still do not act? What do you fear? Where do you find help?
Do you fear losing relationships, losing a paycheck, or just losing the comfort of the known? Do you know in your heart that change needs to take place but you can’t seem to see how that will work? With the faith we have been encouraged to have in Hebrews 11 and 12 we now are told that along with faith comes help.
I find it interesting that this writer who just tells us that the “Lord is my helper” says “Pray for us” and “I especially need your prayers right now”. We need each other to help each other too. We can pray with and for each other. The Lord can help us with the prayers, encouraging words and wisdom of others.
Don’t be ashamed to ask for prayer. We can be confident that the Lord will help us and sometimes that is through a friend. Friend, will you pray for me that I will be faithful and that the Lord will be clear in my direction? I will pray for you too. What is your need for prayer today? There is help.
Today’s Prayer: Lord, I am confident You are my helper. I also thank you for fellow brothers and sisters who can pray for me. Give me courage Father to pray and to ask for prayer. I know You guide our hearts and I ask You for faith and specific actions to take. Be clear with me Father through Your words and the confirmations of those who pray for me. Help me to pray for the needs of others. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Kimberly says
I will pray for you to take the correct path. His path is ready for all of us, we just have to Trust.
“And I will make my mountains into level paths for them.
The highways will be raised above the valleys.” Isaiah 49:11
Thank God for making our paths level before us and making the way clear!
Tom Raines says
Kimberly, I cherish your prayers, thank you! I am praying for discernment on whether I am living without the faith or trust in God or whether I am in the “waiting on God” part. Just want to be faithful today and seek clarity from Him and friends like you. Bless you!
bill (cycleguy) says
Pray for you each day tom and will continue doing so.
Tom Raines says
Bill I am so appreciative of your prayers and you can count on me to pray for you as well. Really.