Today’s Scripture: But if a man walks in the night, he stumbles, because there is no light in him. John 11:10 KJV
We can trust the light of God that is IN us to guide us through this dark world. The disciples warned Jesus of going back to Judaea to see Lazarus who lay in his tomb. They knew those seeking to protect their power and privilege wanted to eliminate Jesus. Jesus knew the light that was in Him and was not fearful of the darkness that surrounded Him.
Jesus “spoke plainly” to them just as He does us. We have to look to the light of God for guidance. We can trust the eternal light that is in us.
Jesus lets us know plainly that He is guiding us. We can choose to follow His voice and His light. Jesus and the Father are one. The light that is in Jesus is in us. We come to know this light by searching His Words diligently and learning from His example.
Do you believe the light of God is in you?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for sending Jesus to be the light of this world. LORD, I trust Your light in the darkness. I listen to the voice of Jesus and follow where He leads. Show me now thine way as I look to the light You have placed in me. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Thanks, Tom for I so love this prayer and it brings me to one of my favorite verses, John 1:5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. (NLT)
Thank you Debby! GREAT scripture reference. His marvelous light shines and darkness can NEVER extinguish is. May we bear witness! Blessings as you let your light shine:)
YES, His light IS in me! It used to just be a tiny flicker, maybe a “pilot light”–but now it’s so bright I need to wear shades! God bless you BIG, brother Tom–love, sis Caddo (sorry if I’m “blinding” you!)
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this! Praising God BIG TIME for what He can do with a flicker! Laughed out loud when I got to your “blinding” part. What a GREAT goal to have that the light of God is shining so bright that we have to worry about blinding others. No need for a veil, this light is just beginning to glow:) Thank you for blinding me! I have my shades on now so bring it on sis:)
Smiling and loving this, so much .. .and Sis Caddo’s comment! Just today I was wondering what to do in a situation, wondering if I was making mistakes. In a blinding second, Jesus showed me that He is guiding me and I am walking in His light. That doesn’t mean I won’t make mistakes, but at least I’m encouraged that I won’t be doing it intentionally! 🙂 God bless you, Tom .. with the shades on!
Amen Deb! I praise God for His light for His shining it upon the path to enlighten the path and us! Faithfully following the light and accepting that hardships are the pathway to peace we can trust that all of our steps are in faith and we are willing to continue in the ways He opens for us. Only fearing Him. I see you on your path surrounded by crowds wearing shades:) Sis is a hoot isn’t she? LOVE the enthusiasm and humorous perspective. Blessings and light!