Today’s Scripture: I stretch out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land. Selah Psalm 143:6 ESV
I feel David’s soul. I feel his pleas to the LORD. Are you at the breaking point? Read Psalm 143. Today this is one of my favorite chapters in God’s Word. Heart wrenching, soul reaching words that awaken my spirit to reach out with my heart and my hands to the LORD.
This chapter only has twelve verses yet I have captured thirty seven affirmations that move my soul. Yes my soul thirsts for God and He overflows my need.
Just as David expresses here I have experienced God’s Spirit. I have come to know His love. Try to wrap your mind around this thought in verse eight: Can you “hear” the LORD’s love in the morning? His love, His Spirit flows; thirst for it and you will be refreshed.
The LORD is guiding me and protecting me today and I pray I am faithful and claim as David did LORD, I am Your servant.
What do you thirst for? Can you pause and reflect on the LORD today? Selah.
Today’s Prayer: LORD God, I praise You and stretch out my hands and soul to You. Thank You for Your Word and your servant David. My soul knows You and I pray my mind will trust Your Spirit and Your direction. You are my God and my soul thirsts for You. Please guide and protect my life so that I will prove useful as Your servant. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
jelillie says
Thank you Tom! I am praying this prayer with you today!
Tom Raines says
Thanks jelillie. I so enjoy when we can join in prayer and thirst together! Blessings!
cycleguy says
I. WANT. THIS. Thanks Tom.
Tom Raines says
Amen Bill, so thankful for the Holy Spirit that draws us and intensifies our thirst. I thirst with you!
Cindy says
Dear Tom…I read this affirmation (and all of Psalm 143) earlier today, after work but before my precious time with my parents. I just wanted to share with you that I would not have read this psalm today, if not for Affirmations of God in my inbox, and I am deeply grateful to Holy Spirit, and you, for it. For me, because it was like reading my own heart on the page, but even more for my dad, to whom I read it, and for whom it comforted, uplifted and soothed. You see, the doctor’s report for my dad is dementia, and sometimes he is not only painfully aware of what is happening to him, but to my mom, his wife of 56 years, whose mind is being attacked with alzheimer’s. Some days are just…well, heavy, and today was one. As we always do, we prayed and read the Word, and Psalm 143 came to me immediately. I wish, Tom, I could adequately share with you, how it ministered to him! With eyes closed, he would listen and repeat aloud verses that, like me, echoed his own heart. His prayer of gratitude to God for His present help along with a plea for His continued help, makes me cry even now, hours later. Thank you again, for your sacrifice of time and effort to share the Good News, and as always, you and yours remain in my prayers. Cindy 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Tom Raines says
Dear Cindy, you bring tears to my eyes and I have no words except praise for God and His Holy Spirit. I am so grateful that God used this Word at the perfect time. Each time I write I do not know for whom God intends. It is such a blessing when I get confirmation of God using Affirmations of God to provide His purposes. Cindy, I am praying now for you and your family. As we feel David’s soul and his cries, I feel yours. God’s perseverance and strength be with you as you live this season with Him. With thanksgiving,
Cindy says
Together we praise Him and thank Him and love Him. How good this is! Thank you for your prayers Tom! Cindy
Tom Raines says
Together for sure! Continuing to pray with you!
Debbie says
Praying with you and also in tears as I read how God used this time of affirmation for Cindy and her Dad and Mom. May I thirst more. God bless you, Tom, and your ministry to us, as God moves you each day.