Do you want to be “happy”? In those times when you are not happy can you recognize those things that are making you feel less than happy? David, in Psalm 146:5 in the New King James version tells us what those who are truly happy do:
“Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, Whose hope is in the LORD his God”
On a personal note, I prefer joy to happiness as happiness seems to be a temporary feeling while joy endures and is based on the praise I have in God and not my fleeting emotions. But that is just me. “Happiness” is not my goal. But David tells us here that happiness is a byproduct for those “whose hope is in the LORD.”
Where do your hopes lie? My hope is in the LORD and yes I am so thankful for having the help of the God of Jacob. As we pray through the hallowed be thy name part of the model prayer Jesus gave his disciples we can recall who God is. I praise who He is and I can physically feel what David says in 146:1.
PRAISE the LORD! Praise the LORD, O my soul! (NKJ)
This verse is the source of today’s affirmation: My soul praises the LORD. It seems it is not me but my soul who praises Him as I praise Him for who He is. When I recall who God is it seems this soul within me knows Him better than I. My soul sings His praises and I feel joy. David says in verse 2 we can do this as long as we live as long as we have this earthly vessel we can praise the LORD and sing praises.
Another verse David shares with us in Psalm 146:8:
The LORD opens the eyes of the blind; The LORD raises those who are bowed down; The LORD loves the righteous. (NKJ)
When we bow down to Him, He will raise us up and when we rise up we are praising Him. The world may be presenting us with things that rob our “happiness” but praising the LORD will allow us to keep the joy that is deep within our souls.
In the Celebrate Recovery Step 1 on denial, John Baker quotes Psalm 146: 7-8 to remind us that if we continue to deny our hurts, habits and hang-ups we just lose a ton of our personal energy. When we run from our past or worry about our future it just wastes precious energy. Here David tells us to stop running, just put our hope in the LORD and HE will free us from those things that imprison us and He will lift us up.
When you praise the Lord, can you feel your soul sing? When you praise God for who He is do you find happiness and joy? If not, can you kneel down and just praise Him for being the creator God, the Father of Abraham, the Father of Jacob, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the One who sent Jesus to earth to live, be crucified and rise again? See if your soul sings. I believe you will find that it does and you will find hope, happiness and joy. Have you experienced this? Does your soul praise the LORD?
Do you have any other thoughts or affirmations from Psalm 146?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Velvet Garner Walker says
I love the part where you say…. “It seems it is not me but my soul who praises Him as I praise Him for who He is.” I think that is proof you have the gift of the holy spirit. HE is with you. =)
tomraines says
Thank you Velvet, you are such an encourager to me and I appreciate you. Yes, we can praise God for His Holy Spirit and our hearts pound with His fullness! He is in us! I praise Him with you!
liz elias says
Wow. First I thank God for speaking to me in such a clear and evident way. This weekend I was troubled and hurt, and forgot for awhile, who is really in control. I gave in to my worries, and not to Him, who knows all. At one point in my self- pity I even said “I no longer wish for happiness, but survival”. How silly and frail we can become when we discount the Lord in our everyday lives and relationships. I know it’s a God thing I came to your blog, because I’m a crafter by heart and was not thinking scripture at the moment. 🙂 But, thank you for taking your commission, our commission seriously it is apparent to me that you are a man of God. Blessings to you and yours, liz
tomraines says
Wow, Liz, thanks for stopping in. I am amazed and thankful how God can use each of us to love Him. He rewards our hope and builds it through His Spirit. I look forward to hearing from you again. We can be frail at times but thank God our hope can lie in the God who is never weary!
Julie Garmon says
Just this weekend, He’s opening my eyes to some things inside me I’ve been blind about. So grateful~
tomraines says
Praise the LORD! Julie I join you in praise. He is faithful and may He continue to remove the scales from our eyes! I share your heart of gratitude!
Rachel says
I read recently the verse – “happy is he who trusts in the Lord” — it’s true – when we truly trust we are happy – we let go of the fear, worry and anything else that robs us from life and peace. Trust is key, but it doesn’t happen over night it comes from cultivating a real relationship with God; a relationship developed over time as we spend time with Him and in His Word.
tomraines says
Rachel, thank you for contributing and yes that has been my experience as well. I went from knowing about God to knowing God but it has taken several years of an amazing journey. When life took me to my knees and I truly sought after Him and not just sought after knowledge of Him my life began to change. Yes, trust began to develop. The more often I have recognized Him and experienced His word, a wonderful relationship has developed. Hope to hear from you soon.
Donald Borsch Jr. says
See, Tom? You go and post such fantastic and encouraging posts and I sit here begging you to come over to link your stuff on The Christian Guild!! Aaargh! 🙂
As soon as I read your article, a verse popped into my head. It is from Psalm 25:14. It reads:
“The secret of the LORD is for those who fear Him, And He will make them know His covenant.” New American Standard version
Imagine that. The LORD has a secret, and He reveals it to those who fear Him, making known to them His covenant! And what might that secret be? Hmm. I would venture to say it is His Salvation. His secret is Salvation wherein we can have a relationship with Him. With Him! Salvation is The New Covenant. And our Father reveals it to us so we can walk with Him this side of Heaven and for eternity in His Heaven (when that time comes)!
Boom! My soul rejoices, indeed!
@Rachel from Stirring the Deep: Please consider coming to The Christian Guild! Pleasepleaseplease! Don’t make me beg! (Well, I kinda just did, but…)
Tom, please continue considering it as well. The things The LORD puts on you to say are worth being heard, Tom.
tomraines says
Thanks Brother, did you get my email? I felt yesterday God showed me His sense of humor. I commented on several of your blogs yesterday. I just have to make it through a tough schedule for the next days but I have read the and it is very good. I know you are not begging but I am sure we help in the resistance and share the Good News together. I have to run this morning to a meeting but will get connected later today or tomorrow a.m. Thanks!
Donald Borsch Jr. says
I look forward to hearing from you, and yes, I did receive your email expressing God’s sense of humor.
Tuesday 23 Nov 2010
Donald in Bethel, CT
ps: Bill’s latest article about excesses to avoid is pretty darn good!
tomraines says
I will get with you Donald, just scrambling with last minute things on several big projects and I will be working 12-15 hour days Monday-Dec 21st so just crazy now. Will email you and we will get things going. Yes, Bill’s message was on task and on time. I needed it today for a friend. God is faithful!