Can we grasp the abundance of God? Do you ever find yourself falling into the trap of thinking about the scarcity of resources versus the abundance? Sometimes I sooo limit God and life.
Do you ever wonder what God is doing with you? What are we supposed to do with all of this abundance? Just what do you want me to do with all of this God??
One thing I am beginning to realize is that this new life in Christ is NOT one of scarcity but one of plenty and abundance. Today’s Affirmation is from 2 Corinthians 5:17: What this means is that those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun! (NLT)
This new life is one of abundance. Jesus said he came so we could live life to the full. I am not speaking of abundance here as money I am overwhelmed by how much God’s Word has to say. If you are reading this blog you are well aware of the passion God has placed on my heart for affirmations found in His word. The past couple of days have been a struggle not because I can not find one but because God takes me to a passage and as I read the chapter I become overwhelmed at the options. I have to pray that the Holy Spirit guide me and select the one that is for whomever He intends that day. I never know if this affirmation is for me, for you or someone God will place in its path.
We must live by faith. Out of this same fifth chapter of 2 Corinthians we are told in verse seven: For we walk by faith, not by sight. (NKJ). We must trust in God and walk by faith, my vision is so limited. I just can’t see it God. Thank God for Your Spirit!
In verse five we are told we have been given the Holy Spirit as a deposit as a guarantee of the eternity to come. We have this Spirit here and now. May it guide us in this new life. May it provide the faith and vision we need.
May we make it our aim to please God and be His ambassadors as stated in chapter 20. Wow, God this new life IS a full life. Thank you for your helper. Help me to use your abundance properly.
I praise You Father God for your abundance and thank you for this new life. May we all do our part to reconcile all others to You. In our abundance Father I pray You use us for Your glory and for Your purposes today.
Do you ever feel this abundance? How do you deal with it? Has God’s Spirit shown you what you are to do? As you read 2 Corinthians 5 what affirmation or message does the Spirit show to you?
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life.
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