Today’s Scripture: I call to remembrance my song in the night: I commune with my own heart: and my spirit made diligent search. Psalm 77:6 KJV
My God is amazing and real. Seriously folks, God has taken me for a stroll with Him this morning. As I knelt before Him I envisioned what Jesus’ mind must have gone through as He walked along to path to meet with God in the darkness of those mornings.
Then my affirmation journey returned me back to Psalm 77. David had shared in verse three that when he mused or thought about God (in his mind) his spirit grew faint. Our God is overwhelming to our fleshly minds.
Here in verse 6 the, well, heart of the matter is that we seek to commune with God in our hearts and not our heads. The funny thing is when I sat at my computer to capture this affirmation I found that I had wiped out hundreds of affirmations and hours from my spreadsheet where I keep all of these affirmations. Hopefully I can reconstruct from prior backups…
Yes, in my mind I am faint, yet my heart is drawn to commune with God and there I find peace (and His sense of humor).
Do you meditate with God in your head or your heart? Let your spirit search Him out.
Today’s Prayer: Heavenly Father, You are a mighty God and You are my God. I praise You and seek You with all of my heart. Although my mind is weary my heart is drawn to You. In You I find rest. Come and commune with my heart dear LORD and speak to my spirit. In You I am never weary. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Hi Tom — it’s an interesting dynamic communing with God with our heart (depth of our spirit) … but that is the true communion – spirit to spirit .. and that is also where we receive His instruction – His spirit teaching ours. It’s a powerful fellowship.
Agreed Rachel, that has been my experience as well and the communication brings awe of our Almighty God! Thanks for stopping by.
So sorry you lost all that data Tom. Thanks be to God He did not lose it. Even if your computer cannot retrieve it, Holy Ghost can. As you commune with Him He will restore the files in the order they should come!
Wow, the warmth of this truth just bathed over me! Thanks jelillie and you are so right that what we need will be there when we need it! Praise our LORD! Have a great service this weekend!!Praying for you and thankful for you now!