Today’s Scripture: For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, Colossians 1:19 ESV
I love Colossians 1. There are so many truths and promises of the power of God given to us. Here in these verses is the secret to a fulfilled life.
The fullness of God is in Jesus and the mystery referred to in Colossians 1:27 is that Christ lives in us. The fullness of God dwells in Jesus and Jesus dwells in us and this allows us to know the riches of God’s Glory. In His riches and in His glory we know fullness.
In His fullness I know His grace, His peace and His hope. We are strengthened by God’s power that is in us to have endurance and patience with joy. I thank God that He transfers us from the darkness of this world into the kingdom of Jesus. As I stay in the kingdom of Jesus I am truly full.
Do you find the fullness of God from Jesus who is living within you?
Today’s Prayer: Father God I thank you as I am praying for others and myself to fully know you in all spiritual wisdom and understanding. Help us to live in the Spirit and Kingdom of Jesus. Help us to know You and to know that You created all things for yourself; not for us. Thank for placing Jesus within me. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Desiray says
Yes, I do know the fullest of Jesus living in me..It’s amazing because before I asked Jesus to come into my life I thought I was living life, and when I asked Him to come into my life I saw that the way I was before was not living life, I now live life because of Him. One can’t live life to the fullest until they come to Him because He gives you what you need to live this life…No wonder the bible says a man is foolish in his own eyes…I have learned a lot and I am still learning….AMEN
Tom Raines says
Amen Desiray we are all still learning and that helps bring us the fullness to our understanding! God will continue to teach us with His Spirit of wisdom and understanding which is in the same verses of Colossians 1. Thank you for sharing and God’s fullness is obvious in your actions! Blessings!