Today’s Scripture: O LORD of hosts, blessed is the one who trusts in you! Psalm 84:12 ESV
O LORD You are my King and my God. My heart and flesh sing for joy to You. My soul faints for You LORD. You LORD are my strength. I trust You to take me from strength to strength. Psalm 84 is full of affirmation for us.
The blessings found in trusting God are endless and beyond our comprehension. We can trust Him with everything and in doing so our hearts and flesh sing for joy. Have you experienced this?
We can pray that all mankind knows that the LORD is the Most High God over all the earth. We can trust Him with those things beyond our strength.
Can you begin to count the blessings you have experienced by trusting the LORD? Will you pray for all residents of this earth to know that the LORD is the Most High?
Will you trust Him?
Today’s Prayer: LORD, I trust You. You are my King and my God. Thank You LORD for filling my heart and my flesh with Your praise and joy. My soul faints before You and I trust You to be my strength. Guide me LORD from strength to strength and help me to trust You in all things. I pray that You make all of Your enemies know that You alone are the Most High over all the earth. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
A good Affirmation Tom. I have known this trust and the joy it brings. It amazes me that still sometimes that trust gets sidelined by my human proclivity towards doubt.
Thanks Joseph! It is amazing how quickly our flesh can attempt to take control! We know the joy, we know the trust and I pray we can get back to Him rapidly! Blessings and trust!
True Confession: Some days my trust in Him is BIGGER than others. God bless you (Biggest), love sis Caddo
True confession part II…me too:) I am just chuckling my sis:) Blessings as we trust Him BIGGER:)
Thanks, Tom–I feel better (bigger) already!