Today’s Scripture: But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. Luke 12:31 KJV
Luke 12 lays out many things that distract us from the Kingdom of God. He begins this chapter warning us against our secrets; those hidden things we try to keep from coming to light. Do we seek God’s kingdom there?
He continues with instructions not to fear man. Do we lose sight of the kingdom of God trying to please man?
Can we lose sight of the kingdom even in considering how we will present and defend our faith? Here we are instructed to trust the Holy Spirit to give us the words to say; don’t seek the words, seek God and His kingdom.
Do we get blinded by our possessions? We are instructed not to be anxious about any of this but to seek the kingdom of God.
Interestingly, all of what blinds us from God will be given to us if we seek Him in all things. Will you seek?
Today’s Prayer: Father I seek Your Kingdom in all things. LORD forgive me for when I am distracted by the things of this fleshly life. Please draw my heart and my eyes back to You and Your kingdom. I want to be constantly prepared for You. I trust You to add all of the things You desire. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
theywhoseek says
Seeking, seeking, seeking . . . always seeking 🙂 ~ Blessings ~
Tom Raines says
Thank you Deborah Ann, ALWAYS!
debbestillandlisten says
Seeking Your will and not mine. Amen!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Debby! Yes LORD, YOUR will and YOUR kingdom! No worries about the multiple messages, I love hearing from you:) Blessings and seeking!
Debby says
Seeking His will and not mine. Amen!
Debby says
Sorry about the repetitive comments, Tom but my computer is really messing with me today.
Mirada says
Love this Tom–you’ve touched on so much that I relate to: the secrets, the fear of man, and “presenting/defending our faith”. Wow–I so appreciate how HE speaks through you; makes it easy, really, to just offer it all up to Him, refocus and seek His Kingdom in every little corner. God bless you.
Julie Garmon says
I love what Miranda says–the secrets, the fear of man. I can relate! Thank you, Tom. Right on target, as always.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Julie, blessings in your kingdom.