Ridiculous, that is what the word of God is some days. Today is one of them. God has a really good sense of humor and loves to remind us who is in control. I arose early to get in a “quick” affirmation so I could tackle a day filled with many past due activities that are making me nervous.
From the Celebrate Recovery lesson 23 “Give” I was directed to Luke 8. Man O man did Luke cover a ton of territory here. Way too much for me today and I am praying that the Holy Spirit has a plan here. This is one of those times where this affirmation is taken from the essence of the scripture and not word for word.
This chapter contains the parable of the seeds and the sower. You remember the story. Jesus tells how the seed is thrown out and some fell by the wayside, others fell on rock and withered away from lack of moisture and having no roots, some get caught up in the thorns (or nervousness of the day) and some have “good” ground and sprang up and produced a hundredfold.
And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest (Luke 8:15 NLT)
I know only God can make my heart good. I do NOT have a good heart without him I can promise you that. But, I can be honest. Here is one way I can prepare my heart for God. Father God, I ask you to help me prepare my heart for your seed. One way to prepare our hearts to be “good ground” so that the seeds of God can grow is by getting all of the stinky, smelly, and rotting secrets out of there.
What we think is hidden or a secret is neither. They just contaminate our hearts to either be so hard the roots of the word just wither away or they just choke out and kill the seeds. We can get rid of this and Luke reminds us in chapter 17: For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all. (NLT) Our deep dark secrets will be brought to light. Let’s get them out right now so we can turn our hearts into good soil. I pray we all find a friend or a group where we can bring all those dark places to light.
Celebrate Recovery has provided that place for me and thousands of others. Are you alone? Do your hurts, habits and hang-ups prevent your heart from receiving the seed of God? Just let go and when the light shines on our secrets the focus comes to the light and not us. Luke 8:16 is revealing in that we do not hide this light but put in on the lamp stand so others can see the light. I find it interesting that it doesn’t say because of the light they can see what is the room(OR OUR SECRETS), no; it says those that enter may see the light.
In verse 47 the story of the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years and had spent all she had to try and get well touched the robe of Jesus and was healed. Interesting choice of words in this verse: When the woman realized that she could not stay hidden, she began to tremble and fell to her knees in front of him. The whole crowd heard her explain why she had touched him and that she had been immediately healed. (NLT)
Can we just realize we can not stay hidden? Can we just tremble and fall on our knees in front of Jesus? Yes we will tremble and want to hide and run away. But, if we will just fall on our knees we will be healed and the light of Jesus will be seen. He will heal our hearts and they will be good and honest and ready to produce a hundredfold.
Are you trembling at the thought of being honest? Go ahead confess your sins to God, yourself and then find another human being where you can share the exact nature of your wrongs. Be honest, be free, and be ready for the seed of God to take root. His seed will take root and not fall by the wayside and your heart will no longer be hardened and the busyness of life will not choke away this seed. This seed grows into a mighty faith and as Jesus tells the woman here in verse 48: “And He said to her, “Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace.” (NKJ)
Do you have any thoughts on honesty or this chapter? May we be freed by our faith and honesty and go in peace.
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Julie Garmon says
tomraines says
Thank you Miss Julie! Have a beautiful day!!
bill (cycleguy) says
To do anything but be honest is to cheat what God has in mind for us: restoration and healing and freedom. good thoughts Tom.
tomraines says
Wow Bill, you are so right. Somehow the world tells us we can “act” godly and not be real but God really wants honesty. Cheating God, that brings it home, thanks!