Today’s Scripture: Keep alert and pray. Otherwise temptation will overpower you. For though the spirit is willing enough, the body is weak. Mark 14:28 NLT
Something big is happening; can we stay alert and pray? Jesus made this statement to Simon Peter after returning from His passionate prayer in Gethsemane on the eve of His crucifixion. What an awakening statement in versus 37.where he said to Peter: Are you asleep? Couldn’t you stay awake and watch with me even one hour?
How will I answer Jesus? Am I asleep? I pray I write this affirmation on my heart that I keep alert and pray. I pray that I keep watch with Jesus. What does Jesus want me to keep watch for today? I pray and I keep watch. I am forever intrigued by the prayer life of Jesus. We too go and pray and keep watch as He showed us.
This is Jesus, one with God and He fell face down on the ground and prayed that the Father’s will be done. He says here for one hour and then he returned for more after encouraging the disciples to awake. I too fall on my face and seek the Father’s will. Lord, help me to keep alert and pray. Yes, something big is happening, are you awake?
Today’s Prayer: Abba Father, Your will be done. Help me Father to stay alert and in constant watch for Your will. Commune with me Father God and speak to me as You did Jesus. Instruct me and strengthen me to fulfill your purpose. I know my flesh is weak and prayer to You gives me the power to overcome my temptations. You are the only way. Awake my spirit. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
>>>”…stay alert and in constant watch…”
Tom, what I needed to hear this afternoon. Thanks!
God gives what we need doesn’t her?! Thanks for dropping by!
Gotta admit Tom. I have fallen asleep before, during and after prayer. Not a good practice. Thanks for the reminder to stay alert…something I need to do more of.
Totally understand Bill! Has happened to me too if i try to pray in bed…Guess that’s why first thing in the morning on my knees keeps me awake! May we stay alert and on watch. Thanks for checking in…Happy Easter to you and yours!
I am Always praying that I am in the Lord’s will! Yes, alert is better. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I know that someone needs prayer, so I go to God in intercession.
I so appreciate your praying spirit! You are teaching great prayer practices. Your prayers as you cleaned the sidewalks made a great impression on me. What power and welcoming of God to be with those who travel through life. Thanks…keep watch and pray…
I just tried not comment. Hope it’s not coming up twice. This part jumped out at me….”otherwise temptation will overpower you.” It’s like, look, if you don’t stay on your knees you aren’t going to make it.
Thank you!
Thank you Julie, only got it once. Yes, we must stay there, stay alert and pray huh?! Without ceasing may we stay on watch and see what the Spirit shows!