Today’s Scripture: And I will put my Spirit within you, and you shall live, and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I am the LORD; I have spoken, and I will do it, declares the LORD.” Ezekiel 37:14 ESV
God’s Word proves itself true and man proves his nature as well. With God and His Spirit we have life; in the fear of the land men lose hope.
This dry bone story in Ezekiel used to seem like a fairy tale in my younger days yet I have lived long enough now to see how true it is. How people who seek security in things and rulers of this world lose hope. Yet, when God’s breath of His Spirit blows, hope and promise are full.
When God’s Spirit is in us and He is what we live for and by we find our life and our place. God’s Spirit proves Himself to us and the more we come to know Him the more we come to have life.
Can you ask the Spirit of the LORD to breathe life into you today? He will do it! Is your faith today in things of man or Him? See which one gives you life.
Today’s Prayer: Almighty God, thank You for your breath of life. Thank You for Your Spirit which gives me life and the land You intend for me. Thank You for life, Your life that fills us with Your hope, Your joy and Your security. Keep my eyes and my spirit in You. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Debbie says
So encouraged by this Tom, and thankful for His Life in me, giving me hope and joy! God bless you and yours today, as He breathes in you!
Tom Raines says
Thank you Deb! Knowing the Holy Spirit is breathing life into you! Blessings!
Caroline Gavin (@caroline_gavin) says
Ahhh, a breath of fresh air! Thank you for this refreshing post, Tom!
Lord, grateful I am for the Spirit You breathe into me!
How I long to be all You desire, all You created me to be.
Lead me, Beloved Father, wherever You wish me to go;
Your love, Your will and Your life are all I long to know.
I am Your instrument, my Lord, and for You alone I live;
I praise You for the life, for the breath, You do give!
May God continue to in-Spire you, dear brother in Christ!
Tom Raines says
Caroline thank you again for your gift. I think I am printing this one out as it is a beautiful song unto our LORD!