Today’s Scripture: Romans 1:1 NLT: This letter is from Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, chosen by God to be an apostle and sent out to preach his Good News.
I have been chosen by God to preach His good news in the Holy Scriptures. I live by the power of the Holy Spirit. Through Christ I have the privilege to tell everyone what God has done for them.
I have been called to belong to Jesus Christ and I am loved by God. God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give me grace and peace. I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith in Him is being talked about all over the world.
Day and night I pray. I pray for the opportunity to serve God with all my heart. I pray to bring you some spiritual gift that will help you grow strong in the Lord. I want to encourage you in your faith and I want to be encouraged by your faith.
These are all Paul’s words from Romans 1:1-12; do you know you too are chosen by God?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for choosing Paul and others to be your apostles that told us of the Good News of Christ Jesus. Thank You for Your Holy Scriptures. Thank You for loving us and choosing us to belong to Jesus Christ. Day and night I pray to serve you and I pray to bring some spiritual gift that will allow others to grow strong in You. Help me to encourage others and I thank You for the encouragement I receive from them. Amen
Tom Raines Jr
Affirmations of God
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