Today’s scripture: Simeon lived in Jerusalem. He was righteous and very devout. He was filled with the Holy Spirit and he eagerly expected the Messiah to come and rescue Israel.
The Simeon story “popped” into my mind last night and I knew that is where God’s Holy Spirit wanted me to go. As I read these words that are somewhat unique to Tindale’s NLT version of the Chronological bible these words screamed off the page as a powerful affirmation.
We too should EAGERLY EXPECT the Messiah. After studying these verses further today I believe I will spend a few days here. Simeon expected the Messiah because he was filled with the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit had revealed to him that he would not die before he saw the Lord’s Messiah.
Jesus was only eight days old when Simeon saw him. Can we grasp that this is the same Messiah we can expect today? The same Holy Spirit also reveals things to each of us and we can eagerly expect to fulfill those things. Just as Simeon was used to bless and encourage the world, so shall we.
Eagerly expect the Messiah and expect to share with the world what the Holy Spirit has revealed to you.
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for Your Holy Spirit and for revealing to us our calling and our purpose. Grant us the faithfulness of Simeon to show up on time and give what you have revealed to us. Please use each of us to share your joy and grant us the boldness and courage to stand on the revelation of the Spirit. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
Robin says
Eagerly expect…that’s perfect. If we know God is speaking to us, how can we NOT eagerly expect?
Love this and looking forward to His whispers to me and hearing what He says to you !
Merry Christmas Tom~
Tom Raines says
Thank you Robin! I look forward to what He whispers to you too! Merry Christmas to you and yours! I know you will make it very special for many. Love and whispers to you and yours!
jelillie says
God has been speaking to me about the expectation of the church in the New Year! He wants us to walk in a new level of Faith and expectancy!
Tom Raines says
God does speak and confirm doesn’t He Jelillie?! Praying your message to your church is filled with the eager expectancy of Simeon. God does require and expect a whole new level from us. What time is better than now to expect Him?!! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Caroline Gavin says
Wonderful Christmas Message! Thank you, Tom!
“Eagerly Expect” says it so very well. The more we grow in understanding of the depth and breadth of Christ’s Love, the more we eagerly expect His Spirit to move us in our lives.
Thank you again, and may God continue to bless you and your ministry!
Tom Raines says
Thanks Caroline. Praying we eagerly expect the Holy Spirit to guide us and that we fulfill our purpose in Him! Blessings to you and your ministry as well!