Today’s Scripture: What are you doing, my son? What are you doing, son of my womb? What are you doing, son of my vows? Proverbs 31:2 ESV
What are you doing? What are you doing? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Three times this is asked in this second verse of Proverbs 31. Do you know the answer?
This takes me back to this morning in my quiet time as I listened intently to God. Listening with every fiber for the Spirit of God to guide me; now what am I doing?
Do you think our buddy Simeon asked himself that the morning the Holy Spirit was leading him to the temple? Or did he even need to ask? He just knew. He had communed enough with the Spirit and lived by His leading enough times to know these steps were guided by God Himself.
Are we asking, are we listening and are we doing? I pray you and I learn to know the Spirits leadings and do.
What ARE you doing?
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for Your Spirit. Teach me to listen LORD and hear You clearly and do what You desire. Guide me, lead me and strengthen me to go and do. I trust in Your strength and Your power. Urge me to show up where You want me and to do what You will have me do today. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
AFH! says
So true! Without ‘asking’, LISTENING, and obeying, our day maybe amiss. We need Him to pour into our spirit and that’s the essence of our quiet time.Great post.
Tom Raines says
AFH, thanks for dropping by! He knows our hearts and I pray we desire to know HIs!! Blessings.
patsy costner says
Thanks Tom, I just prayed your prayer. Sometimes the voices from our own wants and desires are so loud they drown out what God is saying.
Tom Raines says
For sure Patsy…even this morning I have to stop my rambling and remember why I am before Him. To praise and be available. May be consciously work to be being still and QUIET…Thanks!
Caroline Gavin says
Thank you, Tom! Such wonderful encouragement to pause, to ask, to listen…and to do as the Spirit leads us to. How many divine directions do we miss because we fail to do this? I appreciate the exhortation to ask continually, to listen closely and to obey consistently!
Tom Raines says
Thank youCaroline, I have no doubt you listen as I read what the Spirit breaths through you. I am thankful we can exhort each other to continue to be after God’s heart and continually lay our hearts before Him and go where the Spirit leads!! Blessings!
Caroline Gavin says
Tom, thank you very much! I treasure your encouragement! I can most certainly express the same for you: thank you for faithfully listening to the Spirit too! It is a blessing and an honor to labor with you for Him, and – yes, to lay our hearts before Him that we may go where the Spirit leads! Abundant blessings always in Christ, dear brother!
Tom Raines says
Yes, Caroline I too am honored to labor in the love of Him with you. As we encourage each other to follow the Spirit’s leading we will honor Him and be the parts of the body He has created in us. Keep the faith and keep sharing what He is doing through you. You have been given a unique gift of speaking powerful truths with a tenderness only the Spirit could provide. Thanks for allowing the Spirit to flow through you and I pray blessing upon those who the Spirit leads your way!
Caroline Gavin says
Tom, thank you very much! I am strongly encouraged by your words, and I thank you very much for the support you generously share. Trust me that it is cherished! Thank you for allowing the Spirit to flow through you in the Scriptural affirmations you share. You use your God-given gifts to bear beautiful fruit for His glory! I pray for you, your ministry and the many lives God touches (and will touch) through you!