Today’s Scripture: Proverbs 2:3 AKJV: Yes, if you cry after knowledge, and lift up your voice for understanding;
Does God know us or what? He wired us and knows the exact order of the steps we must follow and how badly we must want them.
With passion and many times unintelligible sounds we must CRY OUT to Him for His knowledge. We know we do not have it outside of Him.
Now it is time to ask. Can you cry out to God today for His knowledge? Can you be confident it is He who answers? He has given us examples of those who heard and acted. Noah, Joseph, Moses, Joshua are just a few who acted on the visions He gave to them.
Illogical and regardless of the opinions of those around them they stood on faith in who God is and what He said to them. Overcoming their fleshly fears and pressures they rested in Him. Their boldness and courage came from trusting in God. He is the God of all knowledge and He honors our cries if we have prepared our hearts as He has commanded in the previous steps (Proverbs 2:1-2).
How bad do you desire God’s knowledge? Have you cried out to Him? What did He say to you?
Today’s Prayer: Father God I cry out. You are my God and You are my source of knowledge. Grant me your knowledge so that I may be faithful. Father God I love You and I only want to seek Your will and be used by You. Speak to my ear and my heart. Give me Your confidence and Your boldness to act today on the message You have laid on my heart. Amen
Tom Raines
Christian Affirmations 4 Life
bill (cycleguy) says
Read this the other day Tom: “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.” Pr.12:15. Sort of backs up what you are saying. the need for knowledge can only come from ONE. Thanks for the reminder today.
Tom Raines says
Thank you Bill. Thaks for the scripture! May we trust in Him?
disciplegideon says
A nice contemplation and message Tom. Thanks for the blessing.
“He (Abraham) did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. And therefore ‘it was accounted to him for righteousness.'” Romans 4:20-22
When we cry out to the Lord for wisdom and understanding, we must know that He keeps His Word and is awesome enough to “make good” on His promises. Believing in Whom you address is the key for me. We must crave audience with God and His love…the rest is gravy…victory in Christ!
Thank you for a Monday morning treat! God bless you and keep proclaiming Truth.
Tom Raines says
Thanks disciplegideon for stopping by and sharing! I love those promises and verses you quote here. So empowering and reassuring. May we find our confidence in His faithfulness!
Debby says
Thanks Tom, for this is just what I’ve been doing is crying out to the Lord. I am unemployed right now and I am seeking God’s guidance and wisdom for employment. Lord I cry out to you for your guidance and that you hand pick the job that will accomplish your will in my life. Help me Lord to take that step when you speak it into me. Lord speak for your servant is listening.
Tom Raines says
Father God I too pray with Debby and that You reveal Your plans You have made for her. You have gifted Debby with a unique fingerprint to put on this world and Your people. Provide for her needs Father God and keep her faith and hope in You. You know Debby’s needs and I know You are taking her to where You intend. Please provide her monetary needs as she crys out to you. Amen…
Debby thanks for sharing your current need! I too am crying out to God. and find it confirming that whether employed or unemployed God has a plan and I am confident that as we act on what He gives us we will be provided for. What is he calling each of us to do? I know it is not for a job but for His work. Praying for both of us that we hear Him and His knowledge directs us to be and do what He intends. Thanking you LORD!
Brandon says
Reminds me of Leeland’s new song “I Cry”. You have to listen to that song!
Tom Raines says
Thanks B, I will look it up. I appreciate my musical friends bringing me great music that enhances God’s messages. Thanks!
Robin says
The wonder of a God who listens to our cries and responds…either in Scripture or through Godly advice or even a gentle nudging in our spirit. He’s so good to answer us when we need it.
Tom Raines says
Amen Robin, He is so good! So many ways He speaks and reveals Himself to us. “When we need it”…He knows that too doesn’t He?!! Thank you for visiting and congrats on the new grandbaby!
Robin says
and I just had the thought…knowing that God wants to give me wisdom, why do I wait so long to ask Him? Thanks for urging me to ask. (thinking of a few things right now that I need to ask Him about)
Tom Raines says
Robin, that is our nature isn’t it? We chase many things before we ask don’t we? Maybe that is part of His design so that we know His incredible gift is not from us but from Him….??? I recall that it is the SEVENTH step in Celebrate Recovery before we are told to “humbly ask Him to remove all our shortcomings.” We get to step seven before we ask??? We have to get in proper relationship in the prior steps to know it is Him and not us who gives us understanding and healing! I know He will give you understanding! Love to you my friend!
Debi says
but I’m not going to be sad forever. I know that. Its just that I’m on the edge of this cliff – and I look down and it is a dark ravine, one I can’t begin to see the depths of, full of jagged sharp stilletto shadows, the way looks impossible, the pain inevitable and inescapable, and I’m stuck on the precipice. I can see the other side – but to get there – more than impossible. I’m not a mountain climber, I don’ have any tools, I don’t want this journey.
So I am stuck. I can’t go back – it is impossible. So I stand here – waiting to plunge to my inevitable death – wishing for that release that will not be granted. . Hoping for some kind of rescue, but the rescuerers are not on my side. Taking their false comfort which plunges me internally even further down than the depts of the cavernous mouth before me. My frenemies bent on destroying me. Masked comfort. Masked poison. Making me weaker and less able to make the journey. I can barely stand and yet I am supposed to take this trail. I don’t know how. As much as I fear the death the journey encompasses, I would much rather die on this cliff. But I can’t. HE won’t let me. He isn’t that merciful. His mercy is a different mercy. And the siren call of sin is so so so strong. The false comfort temporarily better than no comfort at all. The utter abandonment by all that is good and the willing embrace of evil. The question constantly before me….will I give myself over? Will I follow the path of eternal destruction or the path where I am destroyed by the One who says he loves me and offers no comfort at all. Only the comfort of vague memories of faithfulness and the surety of HIS character. But who knows what HE might do with all I’ve done.
Dread. The vicious winds of shame, guilt, fear, hopelessness, despair make a sure footing impossible to hope for. And so I stand here. Waiting. Waiting to see the choice I will make. So hoping He will overcome my weakness and draw me to him with chains that cannot be broken. So fearful I will not choose Him and so doubting of my ability to do so when sin crouches so near my door – breaks through my door- envelops me in it’s arms of false hope and false promises,and tells familiar lies that will for a few moments perfume the stench of death surrounding it’s deceit.
Visionless. And so I perish. My heart ravaged again and again and again. Relentlessly. Unmitigated throbbing pain. I cannot rescue myself. I dream of the end – what would be quickest – what would hurt least.
And I look up. And I see myself again. On the cliff. No escape. All roads, all escapes, all pain, all leads to this abyss. And I am powerless to move forward and powerless to move backwards. Powerless.
I want to cry, “My God, My God, Why have you forsaken me?” But how can I? Knowing that He never forsakes. How can I? Knowing the root of all evil has no foothold unless I have allowed it – opened wide the doors to the diabolical destroyer.
Will you rescue me Lord? Will you? I don’t think I would. But. I. Am. Not. You. Have mercy on me God according to YOUR lovingkindness. Redeem me, Lord. Reach down and pluck me out of the snare I have entangled myself in. Be Thou My Deliverer.
Tom Raines says
Debi, not quite sure what to say. Are these your words, your writing and your heart? Sometimes in this digital world things are not what they seem. Your message is a poetic reflection of visions of life in the flesh and life in the Spirit. Although life and the destroyer can steal hope they can not contain it. The Spirit and the promises of God let us know that He will, He IS rescuing us. His mercy is beyond understanding and He answers all who believe and call on Him. The cry for deliverance is answered with a powerful and mighty whisper of love. We are redeemed and we can let go and believe in the God of gods and the King of kings saving and restoring us. He alone is God and He alone grants us mercy and grace. We can stand on that mountain of truth, forever.