Today’s Scripture: Ephesians 5:8(ESV) for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light
We are children of the light. Now that the light of Christ has shown on us what are we to do with it? We are to be this light.
Why do we attempt to be anyone else? I am finding that if we will be the light of the Lord, be children of this light, we will be light to others. We can exert all of our strength to be someone else yet it does not benefit us or others.
Once the light of Christ has shown on us we can leave the darkness behind and become His light. Be bold, be confident and live from the light you have been given. This world needs your light. I am thankful to know what my light is; do you know yours?
I have found through prayer and the reading of God’s Word we come to know our light.
Let your light shine.
Today’s Prayer: Father God, thank You for Your Son and Your light. I am thankful to be Your child and Your light. LORD, help me to shine and help me to see and set free the light in others. Lord God I know if we live as children of Your light we are light and I pray we live there. Use us Lord to free others from their darkness. Amen
Tom Raines
Affirmations of God
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